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Dec 9, 2012

Liiz M.

& Allison, I am not trying to put you or anyone down who tans. I am honestly giving you my professional opinion. It is always your decision what you choose to do with the information I am giving you. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Dec 9, 2012

Liza G.

tanning is the worst possible thing you could do for your skin. please don't do it. you'll thank me later. I had a skin cancer scare a few years back and now have a scar on my side where I had to have surgery to cut it out. I really wish people understood how dangerous it is. I am lucky that I was able to catch it early 

Dec 9, 2012

Betsy C.

I don't understand the appeal of tanning, whether be spray, self, or sitting in a tanning bed! Pale is pretty, in my opinion.

Dec 10, 2012

Julianne J.

I think its awesome to have a forum, different lotions, have access to a tanning community, etc. If only it wasn't about tanning. I think pale and tan is beautiful and I admit I love tanning outdoors. But I've since taken more precaution as skin cancer rates have skyrocketed over the years. The problem with tanning is there is no such thing as "moderation". Unlike having some foods in moderation tanning damages your skin, every single time. The dark pigmentation you get from a tan is actually your skin trying to protect itself from the sun, which adds melanin/pigment to the skin. So, in a way, we're embracing the very defense mechanism our body uses to protect us. The more you tan, the greater your chance of developing skin cancer- even really young. There are young women in their 20s who die so suddenly. I'd say if you wanna try it for the hell of it, go ahead. But after that, you're playing Russian roulette with your health. The whole concept of defending indoor tanning greatly mirrors defending cigarettes, IMO.