Marketing on lipsticks


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Apr 4, 2014

Afra A.

Helo ladies.!
I really need your help
I got a project on lipsticks
Can you please suggest me some taglines which I can give to my product (lipstick)
I am also ascertaining some special features (USP-unique selling proposition) so that I can differentiate my lipsticks with others
please help!!

Apr 4, 2014

Julia K.

I suggest a lipstick which is double-sided: one side with just a light pink everyday tinted lip balm and the other side with a bright colour to vamp up the look for the night :)

Apr 4, 2014

Julia K.

And the usp could be that both sided layered over each other fit perfectly :)

Apr 4, 2014

Linn L.

Lip liner on one side and lipstick on the other? :)

Apr 4, 2014

Lorna G.

Hey afra!
This is a crazy/werid suggestion yet really unique. With the on going fashion of ombre how about an ombre lipstick?

So the lipstick tube, is Fairly larger than the normal size. It will consist of two different colours in the one tube. At the bottom of the lipstick you can use like a click dial, which will raise one colour to use, click it back, and raise the other colour to use.

It's a crazy idea, but when I create an ombre look I really wish it was that easy to apply the colours. so why not!! hahaha.

As for taglines, well I would suggest, somethign simple, perhaps the ombre lipstick. But then again I'm not a really creative person when it comes to taglines.

Good luck afra!

Apr 5, 2014

Afra A.

Thankyou everyone
I really appreciate the ideas
Thanks again..

Apr 5, 2014

Afra A.

Well please suggest some more taglines :(