Makeup artist rules


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Apr 4, 2014

Kimberly N.

For a makeup artist, do you always have to be seen with a full face of makeup on in public?

Apr 4, 2014

Shelley W.

Some of the greatest makeup artists don't go out with a full face of makeup. Pat Mcgrath comes to mind. She has worked with every designer and magazine covers...she doesn't wear makeup. There is another one I know of but my brain is coming up blank on her name...another artist that doesn't go with a lick of mascara even. I think if you do it would make for a greater starter conversation while out and about. You never know while standing in line at the grocery store if the woman behind you needs a makeup artist. Just be sure to have those business cards in your purse for such opportunities.

I wear light makeup. But if I wanna promote myself a bit more I'd do full makeup. But that's if I have new clients.

Apr 4, 2014

Alma M.

I personally don't wear makeup everyday, I think it just works out that way for myself since I've been doing others makeup for so long.I love makeup so much, I'm just more pleased to achieve a look on a client then on myself.  :-)

Apr 4, 2014

Kim C.

I'm the same, I don't tend to wear that much makeup day to day. Mascara and concealer normally when working too. I still get nervous when I'm about to do a clients makeup, so I just concentrate on looking like I've not got super dark circles under my eyes. But that's just me.

Apr 4, 2014

Kimberly N.

Thanks for the advice ladies.

If I know I'll be out all day socializing, shopping or what have you, I do wear a full face and carry cards. You never know who you'll make a connection with.
But if I'm running out for bread or to pick up sheets at Target, then no...maybe a little powder.

Apr 6, 2014

Terese G.

I will say that if I am looking jacked, I won't make mention of the fact that I do m/ I try to keep those times limited...But sometimes, it's like a chef. They could make 5 star entr?es all day, but pop a TV dinner in @ home. lol.