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Apr 3, 2014

Catarina C.

I would wash it out because you don't want to mix chemicals whilst dying your hair  :)

Apr 3, 2014

Catarina C.

But I'm not expert.. So I may be wrong!

Apr 3, 2014

Maekada M.

I think you should wash it...! its better not to risk it!

Apr 3, 2014

Mercedes B.

My mom does hair and all that, and when she dyes my hair, she tells me not to wash it because the dye and chemicals and all that will bother my scalp and some other stuff I don't pay mind to lmao but basically, its Ok if your hair is dirty with gel and stuff.

Apr 3, 2014

Catarina C.

Not always ^ it depends on the dye you are using. It will tell you whether your hair needs to be dirty (not wash for 24 hrs) or cleaned the same day but dry when you dye it. Read the directions Stacey :) but I would suggest washing the curl tamer out before anything because it has chemicals that could cause a reaction.

Apr 4, 2014

M G.

When you dye your hair make sure your hair is 2-3days unwashed. And the night before apply coconut oil to it a sleep with a shower cap. This tips will help to minimize damage. good luck Stacey!

Apr 4, 2014

Megan S.

Unless you have a few days worth of hair product build-up it won't affect the hair color!

Apr 4, 2014

Megan S.

But read the directions and see if it specifies.