How to put eyeliner on your left eye?


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Apr 2, 2014

Honey B.

Ok I'm good at putting eyeliner on my right eye but have difficulty putting it on my left eye...I don't want to pull on my lids as I heard it causes wrinkles, Is that true? :( Any tips?

Just practice
I was the same and I just kept practicing

Apr 2, 2014

Mariam A.

I have the same exact problem girl! my wing on the right eye would be so perfect then the left it will look like I scribbled all over it

Apr 2, 2014

Calla I.

Practice and go super slow! It will take longer but you can carefully control it that way!

Apr 2, 2014

Sabrina K.

Yeah I just think it's practice, I sucks that there are no great advice to give, but it's always difficult to do the left side if your righthanded! But you will get it :)
And I must admit I do pull a bit on my lid, but I'm sure it's not good at all!!

Apr 2, 2014

Hannah K.

I always do my left eye first, and then match my right eye to it. Does that make sense? It's much easier that way.

Apr 2, 2014

Abby D.

Practice makes perfect. also, some types of eyeliners are easier to control than others, like gel vs liquid.
pulling on your lids a tad won't hurt anything I don't think, just try not to very hard or very often :)

Apr 2, 2014

Laura G.

I had that problem lolz it took me a lot of practice :D.

Apr 2, 2014

Bree B.

Pulling on your lid will not give you wrinkles. Age, sun damage, etc. those things do. Pull your lid and put your liner on.

Apr 2, 2014

Honey B.

Thanks guys!! I think ill stet doing my left side first and then match it with my right!!

Apr 2, 2014

Honey B.

Lmaoooo @ Bree I knew that was baloney!! Thanks girl!

Apr 2, 2014

Alyx T.

If you pull and stretch the skin of your eyelid everyday, you will get wrinkles faster then someone who doesn't stretch it everyday. That's why it's not advised to rub and pull at the skin around your eyes, you're causing it to stretch and relax over and over when it's unnecessary. It's kind of like a forehead wrinkle, if you squint a lot and you're stretching the skin, your wrinkles will develop quicker. Hopefully this makes sense, it's early here and I didn't get much sleep.

Apr 2, 2014

Traci L.

It won't really cause wrinkles unless your really tugging at it if your using liquid or gel eyeliner I'm going to tell you why you should not even touch your eye while doing it,we all have a line or two in the eye area and a certain shape if your stretching your eye to apply the liner when it snaps back its not in the same spot all you do is hold your mirror a little below your face look down and draw the line this way you hit your lash line your eyes are slightly closed and your lashes won't be in the way.

Apr 2, 2014

Heather I.

Go slow and try steadying your arm/hand on something.

Apr 2, 2014

Pen M.

Practice, practice, practice. And if you don't have the patience then you can try to find those eyeliner stencils or guides.

Apr 3, 2014

Amanda P.

I had this problem. I SOLVED it by using a liquid liner with a thin pointed brush tip. I love NYX studio extreme line... Do the right side. Then instead of starting your left at the middle of your left eye heading out towards the wing, start at the tip of the wing, hold the wand in your hand with your palm if your hand at your nose not the other way around. Draw from outer wing tip towards the inner eye starting out fluid and with one long stoke for the wing, then in the same direction, smaller light strokes over the eye. Or if your steadier, do one whole fluid stroke. It works like charm for me. Sorry for the crazy long description. :)