What is UV nail Gel?


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Nov 29, 2012

Elisa J.

I seen a nail artist use it as a top coat, but was wondering if I bought some do I need the UV lamp to dry it? Cause I don't have that much money Lol and they are like 60 dollars. Whats a good topcoat for regular nail polish that will make my nails last?

Nov 29, 2012

Kayleigh A.

Uv top coats are formulated to cure (set/dry) under their partnered uv lamp...if the bottle says uv top coat but instructions say a uv lamp is not needed then it is NOT a uv top coat. The best natural nail polish that's easy to find is Essie. Their product is solely designed for the natural nail client. Best tips to make you mani last longer... Apply a thin base coat ALWAYS (a good base coat acts a double sided tape for your nail color) apply 2 thin coats of color allowing to slightly dry between each coat, then apply a shiny top coat making sure to completely Incase the nail (the top coat seals everything in its your protector to your color coat) be sure when applying your polishes to use the 4 swipe method ( 1 down the middle of the nail 1 down each side, and swipe across your free edge to cap your nail)... Also prepping of your nail before polish application is key push your cuticles back (cuticle left on the nail plate and then covered with polish will cause the polish to lift) clean your nails (and slightly dehydrate) with pure acetone, this will help the polish adhere a lot better. FYI pure acetone is a lot safer for you the non acetone... Non acetone had other chemicals in it that could over dehydrate your nails or you could be sensitive to and it takes longer to remove polish with non acetone... Hope this helps!!!

Nov 29, 2012

Elisa J.

Thank you! Very helpful.

Nov 29, 2012

Claire F.

Wow i mever knew that about non acetone!! And also wen you swipe the polish across the free edge to cap your nail does this not make it look bumpy and create lines?? This is what i was always told hence why ive never tried it!!

Dec 4, 2012

Kayleigh A.

@claire... If you have to much polish on your brush when capping you will create a hump so be sure to wipe your brush in the neck of the bottle if to much product is on it... Otherwise you can always smooth that ledge out with a quick light touch swipe down the middle of the nail... Less is more, the thinner your applications of each layer and the less strokes you take your application will look flawless, as well as wear gorgeously!!!