Growing out my hair :D.


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Mar 18, 2014

Steph S.

I've decided I want to grow out my hair. its already a decent length but I want it longer. what are some tips and tricks for growing long healthy hair?

Mar 18, 2014

Jess L.

There isn't really a way to make it grow faster, but you can keep it strong and healthy by eating healthy and using coconut oil treatments :)

Mar 18, 2014

Emm J.

.Use less heat on it.
.Try not to use a lot of product (product build up)
.Get it cut as often as you can let's say every month or 2 months (just a trim)
.Don't bleach or strip it
.Use a caffeine boost shampoo I recommend Alepin! I does work it takes it time but it works!
.Use hair masks on your hair one a week to keep your hair healthy and strong.
.Don't have really tight pony tails or buns during the day or night. It pulls out hair.
.When brushing use a wide tooth comb or a Bristol brush (less breakage)
.Never brush you're hair when wet, this is when your hair is at it weakest and it prone to breakage brush or comb when 80% dry or completely dry.
.Don't wash your hair to much or to little
. Use thinker sprays I recommend Sammy fat hair spray
. You can buy hair growth pills from Hallandale and Barrett but I'm not sure if they work my friend use to take them but stoped because they smelt like fish and they put her really off lol
Hope this helped girly
I know all this works I've had hair past my bum and all this is how I achieved It, even know my hair reaches my bum I'm experienced ha, good luck x