New Nail Trend?


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Mar 18, 2014

Mariah M.

Is the index finger the new trend? At first it was the ring finger that would get the design. Is it the index now?

Mar 18, 2014

Zahra M.

Lol I don't really know but do whatever design on whichever finger you like...middle finger is best because when someone annoys you then you can just stick the finger up then when they ask wtf why did y do that just say you were showing them your new nail design 😝😛😜 haha jk... Nooo don't do that unless you want a broke nose or someone's bestie on you 💖✌️

Mar 18, 2014

Lisa W.

I did my thumb last time... I've done index & ring I think the "trend" is jus the accent finger.

Mar 18, 2014

M G.

I still do my ring finger.

Mar 18, 2014

M G.

But do wht you like. make it your own:)

Mar 18, 2014

Haley G.

I do ring finer and pinky on my left hand, and ring finger on my right. you can literally do anything you want, following the trend doesn't make you an un-unique person, tho!

I believe the trend now is to do any fingers you like.. I Noticed ig pics and all nails have different designed I always mix them up as well

Mar 18, 2014

J S.

I like doing the middle finger but you can do any. The index finger I feel would be a smaller canvas for a design, however.

Mar 20, 2014

Charlene F.

I still say the ring.