How to remove acrylic nails?


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Mar 18, 2014

Claire W.

If I soak them in nail polish remover will they come off?

Mar 18, 2014

Antonia S.

Clip the top of the nail as short as you can without cutting off your real nail. Then use a nail file and buff away the top layer of acrylic. Soak them in acetone for a bit and they should come right off.

Mar 18, 2014

Claire W.

Thank you!

Mar 18, 2014

Symone B.

No regular nail polish won't work. Especially if it's without acetone.

Use pure acetone and follow what Antonia Said. My tip is to soak for 5 mins at a time and scrap off the acrylic that softens as you go. It will be tedious but have patience and don't force it off. If you have to apply force, soak more