What age did you start wearing makeup??


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Mar 16, 2014

Naz L.

I went on the metro today and I see little 7 year old and other 10 year olds prancing around wearing full makeup. Like foundation and everything and the 10 year old took out some lipstick and started re applying and I was just there like what... I didn't even know what foundation was then. I knew I knew it existed since I watched my mum apply it everyday but I never really knew all other details and stuff. Anyways, I was just wondering. xo.

Mar 16, 2014

Faith F.

12... Now I 14 I wear face makeup (foundation, concealer, powder), mascara, lip stain/lip gloss.

Mar 16, 2014

Nicolet K.

13 and that's ridiculous who in the right mind lets a 7 and 10 year old put on full on makeup.

Mar 16, 2014

Nicolet K.

I also never knew what it was society is changing and they are making girls seem to have to be like the models and sadly it's affecting children too😔

Mar 16, 2014

Bekah S.

I was 14 and I think mothers should teach the girls light makeup and work up from there, just to keep things more age appropriate. But hey! If they're happy I won't judge! 😋

Mar 16, 2014

Katarina M.

My mom used to let me play with makeup in the house at 10, but even that was just lipgloss and little Claire's eyeshadows.

I was allowed to use clear mascara at 11.
Then I was allowed black mascara and to go out in makeup at 12. And now as 14, I can wear whatever I want. Though I don't have a huge interest in lipsticks yet.

Mar 16, 2014

Atiya C.

I was 13 but I only wore eyeliner and mascara and that's still all I wear!

Mar 16, 2014

Cristina A.

At 13 , I'm 18 now so :).

I did make the mistake of wearing foundation that wadnt right for me or applying thick eye liner

Mar 16, 2014

Gretel T.

I think 12. I only wore a mascara.

Mar 16, 2014

Naz L.

Nicolet I completely agree with you! Bekah I think the same because if mothers teach their daughter how to do it lightly and make them look good then that's great. Katarina I was the exact same😜

Mar 16, 2014

Jess L.

I think 11 or 12 but that was only playing around with liks Claires eyeshadow or lipgloss. Never in public! It's hard for me to remember but I think like 12-13 is when my mom let me use mascara. I could use eyeliner but ONLY for special occasions.

Mar 16, 2014

Jess L.

Now I'm 15 and usually just wear concealer if needed, foundation (sometimes), blush, and mascara.

Mar 16, 2014

Samantha C.

At 13 I started wearing eyeshadow and mascara. I started doing a full face at 15!

Mar 16, 2014

Sydney R.

I was 14 but even now I rarely wear full make up unless it's a special occasion or something. and I still don't wear lipstick. That is ridiculous.

Mar 16, 2014

Lou C.

I started wearing make-up at 10/11 - usually only mascara and a little foundation and that's what I still wear to school most of the time :)

Mar 16, 2014

Caitriona H.

I played with makeup at home in my bedroom when I was 10 but I didn't wear it out till I was 12/13

Mar 16, 2014

Ana Maria M.

Always loved it but did not actually start wearing makeup until I was 17, I'm almost 22 now :)

Mar 16, 2014

Bry R.

Um I wore lipgloss when I was 13 then at 15 a started wearing foundation. At 17 I usually only only wear foundation and mascara. I'm starting to fill in my brows too. Only if I feel like standing in the bathroom for 30 minutes will I apply eyeshadow and eyeliner.

Mar 16, 2014

Alexandra P.

I am 18 and I don't wear full makeup ( foundation etc), just on special occasions. I wear only mascara, eyeshadow and sometimes I have a winged eyeliner.

Mar 16, 2014

Sheyenne K.

I was 11/12 but all I pretty much did was play around with a small eyeshadow compact I got with one of those free makeup bags you get during certain Clinique offers. I'm 15 now and if I even wear makeup I usually wear concealer, and sometimes I will add BB cream and powder.

Mar 16, 2014

Pixiee H.

I started wearing mascara when I was 15 but now I'm 17 and that's all I usually do anyways☺️ and yeah I feel like little girls these days want to grow up too fast and they don't take time to enjoy their childhood. >.<

Mar 16, 2014

Tiril S.

12 I started wearing mascara.. But at the age 13 1/2 or something I really started wearing makeup like eyeshadows, foundation (not always), my brows and bronzer.

In my city I see really young girls(9/10) going to another city alone, to go shopping!!' They also wore mascara, lipgloss and eyeshadow.. It's like ridiculous!! When I was 9-10 years old I was playing with dolls..

Mar 16, 2014

Gabriela L.

I was 14 , I had mascara , eye liner and powder. That's all. I'm 19 now and I have every thing under the sun , I do think 10 is to young tho.