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Mar 16, 2014

Jess L.

As long as people look healthy. Its all about finding balance. I am so pale I look almost sickly, so I need a tan xD but as long as someone looks healthy they're beautiful.

Mar 16, 2014

Laurie M.

I find that when I am tan it looks beautiful , I am Portuguese by my father so I bronze reaaally hard and quickly :)

Mar 16, 2014

Sapphire K.

I honestly don't care how dark or light you are. I think knowing your natural tone and working with it is pretty. I am very pale, and love looking pale. so I use sunscreen and contrast it with dark brown hair or a rosy lip...etc. if you're dark, rock those springy pastel-brights that are super popular. if you're tan or olive...wear what looks good-pinks, blues...anything :)

Mar 16, 2014

Shannon B.

I think you should go natural. Don't go out of your way to go on a sun bed or use fake tan, the natural look is far prettier than a "fake" one. If you tan naturally you'll be beautiful. I'm incredibly pale and I flaunt it, if I tan then I tan. Hope this helps c:

Mar 16, 2014

Shannon M.

I personally think women look better when they're pale. A lot more feminine. There's so much more you can do with makeup when your skin is light.

Mar 16, 2014

Llesenia S.

I personally think it has to do with that person. Some people feel prettier tan and some feel better pale. I don't think tan looks better than pale or pale looks better than tan. It's just a skin color. I'm very tan from sports and I love it. :)

Mar 17, 2014

Lindsay H.

My skin can't tan I just burn since I'm so pale but am kinda red but I think that a tan is pretty on the right person if you can naturally tan I think it looks really good but if you get those fake sprays that are way to orange or you spend hours in the tanning bed I don't think it's very attractive

But I would love to be tan I think it's slimming and gives you a youthful glow:)

Mar 17, 2014

Maggie M.

Exactly what Maryann said!