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Mar 16, 2014

Maryann C.

It really depends. Some people look good in tans & and some people just don't. That's what I think.

Mar 16, 2014

Nicolet K.


Mar 16, 2014

Faith F.


Mar 16, 2014

Lou C.

I think it depends on the person- can't say that in general. I don't really like fake tan (tanning lotion etc.), though- I think it actually looks fake in most cases. But natural tan is very pretty :)

Mar 16, 2014

Cassidy R.

I don't think it makes anyone prettier. If you have a tan, you have a tan. The person is still pretty. If you don't have a tan or can't get a tan (I can't) you just don't. That person is still pretty too.

Mar 16, 2014

Sree K.

I'm naturally tanned(I'm an indian)and have got many compliments for my natural tan. But getting into a tanning bed and becoming orangey is really a big turn off. A soft sunkissed glow helps us to look younger rather than looking burnt and orange.
For me I find tanned skin attractive:)

Mar 16, 2014

Lacey C.

I think if your naturally tan then thats that and if your not don't try to make yourself tan and go in like a tanning bed. everyones different, I have natural fair skin.

Mar 16, 2014

Karly E.

Since I live in the south most people have a tan, but not me , I Am as white as aghost

Mar 16, 2014

Kaitlin M.

I look better with a tan, but that's just me!

Mar 16, 2014

Megan B.

I like a tan on myself because it makes me look leaner and my skin healthier.

Mar 16, 2014

Mary P.

Some people look great with tans! I happen to look awful since I am very fair so I look like a lobster! Lol.

Mar 16, 2014

Isabelle R.

It looks nicer if it's more subtle and you don't end up looking like an organs if you go for a fake tan lol xx

Mar 16, 2014

Isabelle R.


Mar 16, 2014

Shannon B.

Really that's an opinion question. It's depends on what you like. I feel a lot of people look great either way. But that's my opinion.

Mar 16, 2014

Bry R.

Personally I don't like tan unless the person is born tan. I don't like when people fry their skin laying out in the sun for hours on end for going to tanning beds every week. I mean... It ages you quicker.

Autumn Hope F.

Mar 16, 2014

Autumn Hope F.

Only if it's a natural tan from the sun... Most of the time tanning beds and spray tans make you look like a Dorito.

I think that if you tAn on a tanning bed like I'd like that bc it's fake. but if you tan in the sun just to even out any tan lines , ect. then it's fine. but once your evenly tan , don't tan bc it hurts your skin.

Mar 16, 2014

Isabel M.

I honestly don't care about tans, I much prefer natural color! But, because many tans I've seen look so unnatural and way too much. I honestly see girls who are very obviously white with faux /sun tans that are 20 shades darker than their skin and it's severely unflattering. However, I do like a golden NATURALISH glow! I don think having a tan makes you prettier at all, but it does add a nice sort of glow to your complexion. Also, I I use sunscreen everyday, I mean every day, rain shine or clouds, and in the summer, my skin gets this nice deeper golden hint to it without me having to hurt my skin! I know it's a pretty complicated opinion!

Mar 16, 2014

Lisa S.

Well I haven't actually 'tanned' in the last four years... I used to like being tan because when I was little, I was always dark (native american in me) but I stopped tanning (in beds or just outside) because of how bad it is for your skin and I personally don't mind being fair skinned. Also I don't think going in a tanning bed makes you orange because it never made me orange. Although, it is the lotions that people use that make them orangey, but its not the tanning bed. I think if you want to tan, that its your choice, but when I'm 45 I know I won't have the wrinkles my friend (who bakessss in tanning beds) will have...

Mar 16, 2014

Ashley D.

I don't think tan looks bad but I prefer peoples natural color. Sometimes tan looks good but if its fake, well it looks fake. For me I don't like tan on me, I love my porcelain skin. But it's up to the person, it's their body not mine.

Mar 16, 2014

Hannah K.

I don't think it really matters. Tan is beautiful, pale is beautiful. I've got one friend who is Welsh and is so incredibly pale, and another friend who's so naturally tanned. They're both beautiful.

Mar 16, 2014

Antonia S.

I think everyone looks better with a tan when done correctly. Whether that spray tanning, self tanner, natural tan or tanning beds- you have to find the method that works for you.

Mar 16, 2014

Kira S.

I don't think it really matters. I think of women like Katy Perry, Dita Von Tesse, and Lilly Collins, and all if them have very pale skin and they're beautiful. But, if you have a natural tan, that's also very beautiful. Basically, everyone's beautiful. 😊

Mar 16, 2014

Holly C.

I love having a tan, but a natural healthy looking one! But don't over do it.. If your going to go tan make sure you have some type of skin protection on! I can't wait to use coconut oil this summer, it has a natural SPF which is said to be safer than those on the market, and it helps your body tan! Even though I rarely fake tan I do like it because it's a lot safer. The key to fake tanning is finding a good product that will leave you looking natural and sun kissed, while avoiding the orange effect. Make sure you use something with a green base to it! I swear by my St. Tropez tanning mousse.. It looks so natural, I've never looked orange while using it!

Mar 16, 2014

Moni K.

I always strive to get a tan in the summer because I'm quiet pale. In my opinion I think tans do enhance a persons skin, as long as its not fake. I always have a lot more confidence and feel prettier with a tan. Also my hair gets blonder and skin becomes clear. Plus being out in the sun is good for you because it has vitamin D which makes you happy and feel good. :)