Suggestions on founation


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Apr 6, 2014

Simmie K.

Hey guys! I'm back! LOL basically does a woman really need foundation is she has ok slkin. Is it a nessity for a bride to have foundation. Is that what makes it low glow. Any tips on a bridal must have makeup also please!

Apr 6, 2014

Emily L.

I don't wear foundation. Just concealer and powder.

Do you really need foundation? No.

Is it a necessity for a bride to have foundation? Depends.

Is it what makes it low glow? Yes.

A bride, in my opinion, is very difficult to do. For one, some brides want to look natural. Two, some like dramatic makeup.

Apr 7, 2014

Danielle H.

I really really like benefits big easy. It's a mix between a foundation and a bb cream. I love it so much! It comes out as a liquid but dries as a powder. I would recommend it if someone were to have oily skin like I do. Before I used benefits big easy, I could not wear any other bb cream or foundation because my skin got too oily. Benefits big easy feels light and I would totally recommend it!!

Apr 7, 2014

Sevetria M.

Just my opinion because of photos being taken on that day I feel that some foundation is needed. Maybe not a liquid but at least a powder one. As far as bridal looks it depends on the overall theme and how comfortable she is with wearing makeup.

Apr 7, 2014

Breeze T.

If you never wear foundation and you photograph well, why worry? I never wear foundation, I just hate the way it looks, I just use concealer and sometimes bronzer! For a bridal, just make sure that it will look good after a few hours and sweating. Try it out and take pictures as the day goes :-)

Apr 7, 2014

Breeze T.

(I meant try it out on a different day than the wedding)