Do it! I dare ya!


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Apr 10, 2014

Allie P.

So I was looking at my old makeup pictures from when I just started and...holy batman. I did a collage thing with one of my recent looks to compare. Dare you to post yours. C;

Apr 10, 2014

Allie P.

Ugh. My brows though. They're horrible. And I have no idea why I never thought to put mascara/shadow on my lower lash line.

Apr 10, 2014

M G.

Yea I think I was like 11 or 13 in tht 1st pic. Dam how time fly. Thanks Lauren.

Apr 10, 2014

M G.

I think you look beautiful in both pics Allie. The 1st seems like a nice everyday look and the 2nd like glamurous going out look.

Apr 10, 2014

Raylene I.

Allie I love your first one, and I love the dramaticness of the second your eyebrows are amazing in the second :)

And Maria your sooo pretty :)

Apr 10, 2014

Allie P.

Lol. Thanks. That's how I was at first and now everyday my makeup is pretty dramatic. I like to look fiercely unnatural. C:

Apr 10, 2014

M G.

I feel you on that. Well put Allie.

Apr 10, 2014

Allie P.

Haha, it's okay Lauren! I didn't take it badly. C:

Apr 10, 2014

Allie P.

Those are Red Cherry. I like to trim and cut them to my liking so I don't really know the style.

Apr 10, 2014

Allie P.

Yeah but I cut the actual lash part. 😂 I'm thinking those weren't as texturized when I bought them.

Apr 10, 2014

Allie P.

Lol! Both are beautiful though. C:

Apr 10, 2014

Elisa E.

@Allie: I just made an old MU collage the other day too, weird. And I like both your pics.
@Aleighnna: I like both of yours too, :)

Mine is about to be the worst posted, (These are 4yrs old) this is hella embarrassing but goes to show that we all make mistakes and you don't get awesome MU skills overnight, so here goes...
Obviously NYX JEP in Milk was my best friend and my worst enemy, lol. Also don't mind the "evolution" of my brows :D

Apr 10, 2014

Elisa E.

Modern day/Most recent look I got pics of.
(Face chart not mine, info on my page if you wanna know the artist :)

Apr 10, 2014

Jolene G.

The wonderful ladies in this app have seriously helped me out alor! Gave me courage to chop my long hair off , wear bold/bright lips , wear falsies , try new colors , contour so my face isnt so round , and love myself (:

Apr 10, 2014

Allie P.

Awh, thank you!

I'm sorry I make you sad. :c I hope you and your sister reconnect soon. Even though my younger sister and I fight all the time I really can't imagine life without her.

Apr 10, 2014

Brianna M.

Lol this is mine I started wearing makeup in 5th grade and I don't have any pictures of it but here is a pic if me before I even began to wear makeup lol I was 3.

Apr 10, 2014

Gen S.

All the top pictures are from 2-4 years ago, lol my high school days, and the bottom is my current makeup smokey eye look. change is good. lol.