Ombré help??


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Apr 7, 2014

Brianna P.

How do I do ombre at home without getting it brassy or orange?

Apr 7, 2014

Hannah K.

In the L'oreal kit, a tool comes with it so it doesn't do that and is easier to ombre. And follow the instructions carefully.

Apr 7, 2014

Ricardo F.

Your hair is black, it could not get the hair color that you want with the loreal kit.

Apr 7, 2014

Ricardo F.

It depends of the force of the bleacher.

Apr 7, 2014

Ricardo F.

But try it first in a small piece of the back hair.

Apr 8, 2014

Brianna P.

I just always get a brassy tone but I heard shimmer lights shampoo helps so I'm going to try that. Thank you :)