Is My Hair Too Dry For Higjlights?


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Apr 9, 2014

Pauline G.

Do highlights ruin your hair as much as bleaching would? I is bleach but just on small sections. right? also the ends of my hair are the most damaged... would you suggest to try it?

Apr 9, 2014

Pauline G.


Apr 9, 2014

Phylicia V.

Whether its highlights or your whole head it is damaging. being that your ends are dead once you do highlights your ends will go dead and you will have to get a trim.

when my hair was a little damaged I still got highlights but my hairstylist only used a 20 volume developer instead of 30 or 40. after doing so, my hair wasn't in a bad condition. just make sure you do daily hair treatments like hair mask, hot oil (coconut, olive, etc)

I do suggest letting a professional do it but talk with her/him first.

Apr 9, 2014

Phylicia V.

Sorry I meant to say since your ends are damaged it will be dead after bleach ***

Apr 9, 2014

Pauline G.

thank you phylicia!

Apr 9, 2014

Phylicia V.

your welcome love

Apr 9, 2014

Marleen B.

If you take care of it with weekly moisture masks & regular trims you should be able to keep your hair relatively healthy. My hair is dry and I only wash it once a week with no sulfate cleanser & don't use any heat treatment s not even a blowdryer. Except for when I'm getting my touchup & haircut every 3 months.

Apr 9, 2014

Marleen B.

Also, I go to Aveda for my hair, I believe their products (haircoloring) is better for your hair than the average hair coloring.

Apr 9, 2014

Pauline G.

Thank you marleen! should I cut it after the highlights or before?

Apr 9, 2014

Caitlin D.

If you go to the hairdressers, they will do the highlights first and then cut anyway, or thats what happens when I go xx

Apr 9, 2014

Caitlin D.

But you should do it before (highlighting) x

Apr 9, 2014

Marleen B.

I get both done at the same time. But they always color first, then cut.

Apr 9, 2014

Kelly V.

If your ends are dry, then I would suggest a good trim along with the hilights. with any bleach.process there is always slight damage, but if a llow volume developer is used your hairs integrity won't be effected. When was the last time you colored your hair? in some cases color can be used in place of bleach (if you have virgin hair). use a good shampoo and conditioner (Pureologys hydrate shampoo and conditioner is amazing) and a heat protector. unless your hair is incredibly damaged and over processed then I wouldn't worry about much damage.

Apr 9, 2014

Kelly V.

And don't cut before. Cutting hair after you hilight ensures that all the dry/damaged ends are off. Listen to the professionals, we know best :-)

Apr 9, 2014

Kelly V.

Oh, and like Marleen said...Avedas color and bleach is very gentle, and conditioning. I've worked with many lines and Aveda reigns supreme for me.

Apr 9, 2014

Pauline G.

Thank you so much kelly.