Repost. My friends makeup.


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Apr 1, 2014

Fay M.


Apr 1, 2014

Fay M.


Apr 1, 2014

Fay M.

Here is what I did. I think the wing could of been a lot better.

Apr 1, 2014

Fay M.

This is her everyday look. funny photo. x

Apr 1, 2014

M G.

good job!

Apr 1, 2014

Shauna S.

Looks good, my only criticism would be is that the eyeliner looks really thick on the inner corners of the eye. Try making it thinner there and then make it gradually thicker as you get to the outer area of the eye (:

Apr 1, 2014

Fay M.

Well thats how I did it first. like how I do mine.. but sje didnt like it as she is so used to hers being, well the way she does it. so I did it a little thicker I will get her to have it normal lol. thank you babe x

Apr 1, 2014

Shauna S.

Lol no problem! I love your makeup looks, you're so pretty! Yeah in the first picture it looks really good, maybe it's just the lighting in the 2nd picture or her facial expression that makes the eyeliner look quite thick.

Apr 1, 2014

Fay M.

Ohh thank you hunni :) your to kind. the second is how she does it. she can't do it and has been trying for years. so I treated her and did it neat for her. xx :)

Apr 2, 2014

Roz X.

I wouldn't try to get her to change how she digs her liner. If she enjoys it that's what ultimately matters. You made her feel great and she looks pretty. Well done.

Apr 2, 2014

Fay M.

Oh the thing is she doesn't like thw way she does it. she can't help do it that way. shes just used to it being bold. so she asked me to teach her :) and thank you. she loved the look. x

Apr 2, 2014

Roz X.

Ahhh..old, comfortable habits. I know them well. ;)

Apr 2, 2014

Fay M.

Hehee!! don't we all <3.