Which Naked should I get?


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Mar 30, 2014

Raquel G.

I'm finally going to bite the bullet and get a Naked palette but can't decide which? I have long black hair, brown eyes and am a NC35 in winter and NC40 in summer. I'm very adventurous with makeup but don't want to spend the money on a palette that will only be used once in a while.

Mar 30, 2014

Tonita C.

Naked 2 is my favorite. Naked 1 would be next. I don't like naked 3 at all- seems like you can only do pink combos.

Mar 30, 2014

Kristina C.

1 or 3 in my opinion :)

Mar 30, 2014

Sharifa S.

2 and 3 are my favs but 3 is really just pink looks. I have to say although I love my naked pallets, the lorac pro pallet is my favourite and most used pallet. You can so much looks out if that one. Good luck, hope I didn't make your decision harder.

Mar 30, 2014

Jess A.

I love naked 2!!

2. I adore naked 2 palette. Than naked 1 and lastly 3.

Mar 30, 2014

Nadia N.

I love all 3 but 2 is the one I pick up more.

Mar 30, 2014

Lisa A.

Naked two

Mar 30, 2014

Sunny J.

I think I use 3 most, but I'm pretty fair with green eyes. I think 2 is more versatile

Mar 31, 2014

Jennifer H.

Naked 3 is my favorite!! I love the pink tones, really brings out my green-blue eyes. I have always loved pinks on my eyes, so naked 3 was a dream come true for me!

Mar 31, 2014

Heather B.

I reach for 2 the most. Most versatile of the three with 1 being a close runner up.

Mar 31, 2014

Tracy M.

That's a hard one it was so hard to chose I bought naked 3 and I am happy with it I use it every day I'm thinking of 1 next which ever you chose you'll be happy!!😃👍