Can we talk about bras on here? :p.


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Mar 30, 2014

Amy A.

Hey everyone :) I'm not sure if this is allowed since its not makeup related. But I thought I'd try.

Can anyone recommend some good bra brands for small A cups? Last time I went I bought a really cheapy one and it doesn't work good. I want a good push up bra, since I have barely anything and want to make myself look better. But the ones I've had don't seem to actually work at pushing up. I know it's hard with how small they are but I'm sure there's a good brand that'll work. I don't want to spend a whole lot. Is there anything from maybe Walmart, Target, Sears... not like VS :p something like that that you'd recommend? I like medium padding, not a whole lot.

Mar 30, 2014

Amy A.

Any specific ones?

Mar 30, 2014

Alyx T.

La senza is having a huge sale right now, 50% some or 20$ usually 50$ bras. They're good quality. Karmaloop also has fantastic cheap good quality bras, if you want to order online. It can be hit or miss though with fitting. I bought 8 bras and two of them didn't fit right. The rest are great and I've had them for almost two years.

A few things to keep in mind: the less you wash your bra, the longer it lasts. I only wash my bras after 3-4 days of wearing it (unless I did something really sweaty) and I never dry them in a dryer, I lay them flat to dry. Hand washing is best, but I don't have time for that lol. Also for small busts, you'll get the most out of padding and push up if the band in the middle is full. I'll show an example pic, it holds and lifts better than a bra like the one on the right, with a skinny band, it's best for big busts. :)

Mar 30, 2014

Bryanna L.

Most of mine are from JCPenneys.

Mar 30, 2014

Dilara K.

I know what you feel like Jimmy, mine are litttle too :( <3.

Mar 30, 2014

Amy A.

Alyx, thank you!! That was very helpful :) I didn't know that about the bands but it makes sense. I've never heard of La Senza or Karmaloop but I'll check it out. I'll prbly try to go to JC Penny's soon. Thanks girls :)

Dilara, Jimmy?... haha but yeah it's frustrating :(

Mar 30, 2014

Alyx T.

La senza is a sister company to VS, but not nearly as expensive. And no problem, I'm quite small chested too and I've tried pretty much every bra type out there trying to get a little bit more of a bust haha. Another thing is to look for push up pads that are on the bottom and the side that your arms are on (not towards the middle) it'll give you a better lift.

Mar 30, 2014

Z M.

If you want something affordable...h&m has great bras

Mar 30, 2014

Mica S.

Don't over look walmart! the one I got is still holding up and they have cute ones too.

Mar 30, 2014

Brianne S.

I'm small chested and I can always find my size at target :) sometimes kohls has a nice sale on bras (ranges from 3.20 to 11.00) but you need to search through the racks because when the bras go on sale,it gets cleared out a lot

Mar 30, 2014

Lela B.

Macy's is always a good option too, check the sales rack!

Mar 30, 2014

Fatima V.

ross or dds