Bleach Blonde Hair Help.


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Mar 30, 2014

Becca L.

So I bleached my hair blonde last night- used two lots of it, first time roots were blonde and the rest was orange- I was wondering, should I bleach it again, or should I leave it? I kinda like the ginger dip dye effect it has, but if also love to have all my hair to be the color of the roots, opinions??

Mar 30, 2014

Becca L.

The ginger color does start further down the hair, it's just the lighting

Mar 30, 2014

Shaye M.

Try toning it with a purple shampoo on dry hair for 15/20 mins, it'll take most of the brassy colour out and leave it more of an ash blonde colour. I'd suggest waiting at least 2 weeks before bleaching again to give your hair a break.

Mar 30, 2014

Shaye M.

I agree with Tracy, bleaching your hair now is asking for it to break off, just give it a break and if you don't like it in a week or two then re bleach the darker parts.