Aquamarine strips (with eyeshadow)


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Mar 31, 2014

Jolene G.

So I saw you can put colors in your hair using eyeshadow ' I just tried a couple strips of my hair with a aquamarine eyeshadow. I didn't think it would work (: I'm going to try more fun colors when I figure out how to apply it evenly lol.

Mar 31, 2014

Nala H.

Wow' it looks just as good as hair chalk!

Mar 31, 2014

Jolene G.

Thank you Nala (: whay colors do you think I should try?

Mar 31, 2014

Kat A.

Awesome! how'd you do it? :)

Mar 31, 2014

Nala H.


Mar 31, 2014

Haley G.

Looks so cute on you (: how did you do it?

Mar 31, 2014

Jolene G.

Thank you Kat & Haley (: I just put dipped my finger in the loose eyeshadow add pinched my hair between my index finger and thumb and ran it down , I'm sure there's probably a better , cleaner method but YouTube isn't working on my phone to see.

Mar 31, 2014

Jolene G.

If yall find easier ways please let me know (;