Foundation Can't Break You Out..


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Mar 22, 2014

Anna J.

I think just about anything can break you out. My friend bought new foundation and used for about 2 days then started breaking out like crazy. She stopped using the foundation and her skin was back to normal.

Mar 22, 2014

Roz X.

Absolutely foundation can break you out. Annika, I agree..everyone's skin has different triggers. I personally have had allergic reactions to certain products. Absolutes and skin care are non existent. We are all different.
I love getting feedback on products and hearing experiences, but I always test patch and do further research on my own. Knowledge is power. :)

Mar 22, 2014

Roz X.

BTW..that's just my opinion. :p.

Wtf who said that, of course it can! Anything that can sink into your pores can break you out!

Mar 22, 2014

Roz X.

I am a test patch freak.. he he

Mar 22, 2014

Kyraa D.

Foundations can definitely break you out, especially if you don't use primer.
when I first started using makeup, I used the Fit Me foundation & it destroyed my skin :/ whoever told you that has been misinformed, lol.

Mar 22, 2014

Stephanie S.

Yes of course they can. your skin just doesn't agree with the ingredient. (:

Mar 22, 2014

Kyraa D.

@Megan, I know you do. I just meant a person would be more prone to a breakout if they didn't use primer.
I probably should have made that more clear, lol.

Mar 22, 2014

Jessica L.

Anything can break you out is just depends on your skin type and the ingredients in the foundation. I would try to find ones that say they are for sensitive skin because they are the least likely to break you out.

Mar 22, 2014

Roz X.

But Megan, stalky research is my favorite!

Mar 22, 2014

Caitriona H.

I have sensitive skin but products rarely break me out unless I don't wash it off properly (not saying anyone here doesn't wash their face you can most definitely break out from products) but I do sometimes get really itchy and red from certain things. If you use a primer that creates a barrier from the product and the skin its a little confusing how it could break you out though :(