Thought of you ladies today πŸ’œ


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Mar 27, 2014

Amanda V.

I saw a tutorial today on Insta of a "smokey eye" that as most of us know by now, wasn't a TRUE smokey eye. It was still pretty though!

My first thought was "If the girls on Beautylish saw this..." πŸ˜‚πŸ‘

I just thought it was funny because I pictured everyone cringing 😬 lol!

Just thought I'd share this!
Thank God tomorrow's Friday! πŸ™

Mar 27, 2014

M G.

lol your sweet

Mar 27, 2014

Saoirse O.

I know I can't wait for tomorrow!

Mar 27, 2014

MaKenzie T.

Haha!! That is so funny! I think the same thing everytikw I see something like that.

Mar 27, 2014

Amanda V.

Lmao I thought it was all of our worst nightmares! πŸ™ˆ

Mar 27, 2014

Symone B.

Lol being in the family does that to ya. It's kinda ruining YouTube for me lol I'm like "STOP! Put down that bronzer! You're not contouring with that...oh gosh! Somebody call Hannah!"

I wish I could be with you girls in reality ❀️ it would just make my life to run into someone from BL on the street lol.

Mar 28, 2014

Amanda V.

Aweee Symone I know! I've often thought what if we had a "Beautylish Convention" like how amazing would it be to meet all of you!? β€οΈ

Mar 28, 2014

Isabel M.

Oh god!! I know! I was on Pinterest and almost every thing I see labeled smokey eye, is a gradient eye or not even within the same vicinity of smokey, and I'm like "THATS NOT A SMOKEY EYE" , and I saw too ten BRONZERS FOR CONTOURING , and I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO , 😱😱😱😱😱 The horror, but is true! I never realized how much is do know (not a lot actually) in comparison to other girls who don't really go on beauty sites , like Beautylish! I'm always cringing when I see stuff like that because it drives me nuts!

Mar 28, 2014

Amanda V.

Isabel I was actually really annoyed..
Like it was NOT a smokey eye because it was green and it wasn't even a gradient either.. It was just a few different shades of green eyeshadow! πŸ˜³

Mar 28, 2014

Symone B.

@Amanda, yes! We should so have that! Like how YouTube and vines have meet ups. Or atleast have a couple of us go to beautylish headquarters for promo!

Mar 28, 2014

Amanda V.

Ahhhhh yes a meet up would be amazing Symone!

Mar 28, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

It bothers me to see how people say a gradient eye is a smokey eye and trys to do tutorials, I just want to tell them learn your stuff before you go out telling people how to do things when you don't know your self lol.

Mar 28, 2014

MaKenzie T.

I concur. I have made that mistake to many times.^

Mar 28, 2014

Symone B.

@Amanda! It would be. I would cry off all my mascara if I got to see my BL family.

Mar 28, 2014

Kira S.

^That would be the best thing ever.

Mar 28, 2014

Coralys V.

Omg lol, Beautylish is so helpfull <3.

Mar 28, 2014

Brianna M.

I dec wanna meet everyone too! And it even turns out that me and hannah live fairly close! Lol a long time ago I wanted to see what state people lived in and we live in the same state! But ugh I wish we could do meet ups too I live in Maryland!

Mar 28, 2014

Delight s.


Mar 28, 2014

Bry R.

Why do we not have a Beautylish Convention!? xD that would be so great!!

Mar 28, 2014

Alma M.

When I read things like this it makes me happy because When I started on BL it took a lot to get people to understand technique and Thanks to Jackie we were able to help each other explain what we had known from our experience and so the word spread like wild fire,Jackie is better at typing the explanation I'm more of the talker of it all but we have the exact same thoughts about technique lol.A year and a half ago everyone on BL was all about the bronze and we kept explaining why it wasn't and then it caught on people were spreading our info quick and the same goes for the smokey eye,We made a couple of threads and that too spread like crazy.I will say that Hannah did learn a lot from us about the contouring method ; ) But that's the great thing we feel like what we say is to help others who love Beauty and to see our feed back repeated and repeated just shows us we did our job. We enjoy watching you all grow and feel more confident :) Stay Beautiful!

Mar 28, 2014

Hannah K.

Oh Alma, I learned almost everything I know about makeup from you and Jackie. This website actually changed my life. It made me remember why I love makeup, what I love to do, how much I care about correct techniques and spreading knowledge.

Mar 28, 2014

Antonia S.

This website has taught me so much information. It's filled with such genuine people who share information to truly help one another- not to make a quick buck (cough cough, Beauty Gurus πŸ˜‚)
A BL convention would be insane. You all are my sisters and mothers.

Mar 28, 2014

M G.

I agree tht thanks BL deff put the spark back in my passion of makeup. Its different from social media bc ppl share your passion and help when your lost.

Mar 28, 2014

Amanda V.

Ahhhhh I love you all! You girls make me laugh πŸ˜‚πŸ’œ

Alma, when I saw the tutorial I also pictured you and Jackie giving long explanations as to why is isn't a smokey eye lol! We all appreciate the things you both teach us, so thank you! πŸ’‹

Amanda V.

Pittsburgh, PA