What are your makeup pet peeves??


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Mar 28, 2014

Lindsay H.


Mine would have to be concealer as lipstick

Way to much blush that is overpowering

when the eyebrows are filled in with a shade that is much to dark for there hair and are over the top big

And when people only put. eyeliner on under there eyes but not on top

Mar 28, 2014

Lucy J.

Black mascara on younger girls with blonde or light colored hair, and when they fill in their eyebrows to dark for their hair color.

Mar 28, 2014

Lindsay H.

Totally agree I also hate it when people have really clumpy lashes and them some people want there lashes to be clumpy and I always wonder like why?

Mar 28, 2014

Lucy J.

Isn't it so annoying Jacqlyn!!

Mar 28, 2014

Kalyn H.

Junior High cake faces and orange (LITERALLY so orange) foundation lines.

Mar 28, 2014

Lindsay H.

And when people contour with orange bronzer

Some bronzers are dark an not shimmery and actually look good when you use them to contour but the orange ones just look so weird

Mar 28, 2014

Fae G.

Poorly done makeup. Too much eyeshadow. Not blending.
Too thick eyebrows.

Mar 28, 2014

Lindsay H.

Also when people go outside the lines of there lips when applying lipstick

Mar 28, 2014

Kalyn H.

Lucy, I don't think black mascara is bad... Blonde girls want noticeable lashes too & make their eyes stand out... But maybe you mean girls who probably shouldn't even wear makeup they're so young? But yes the eyebrow thing aargh.

Mar 28, 2014

Lindsay H.

Haha that happens at my school

Mar 28, 2014

Meagan M.

I don't really have a pet peeve. I really don't pick at others makeup but I guess a pet peeve of my own is lipstick that's super matte that it just drys on my lips. And really dry foundations.

Mar 28, 2014

Fae G.


Mar 28, 2014

Meagan M.

I have naturally dark eyebrows and blonde hair. there is nothing I can do. It's what I'm dealt with.

Mar 28, 2014

Kalyn H.

Can't help what you're born with Meagan (: you're beautiful ❤️

Mar 28, 2014

Lindsay H.

Well they look fine if there natural but you can tell when girls draw there eyebrows with black and have blonde hair

Mar 28, 2014

Lindsay H.

And your gorgeous I love your eyebrows

Mar 28, 2014

Lindsay H.


Mar 28, 2014

Meagan M.

Aw thanks guys! It's just annoying everyone like questions me as to why my eyebrows are darker than my hair! So I'm use to that opinion! But thanks for the sweet comments guys! 💜

Mar 28, 2014

Kira S.

Definitely orange foundation/too dark foundation. And clumpy mascara. I just wanna drag a lash comb through those spider legs! lol :)

Mar 28, 2014

Vanesa G.


Mar 28, 2014

Kayleigh S.

The way girls put on their makeup at my school, pound on dark colours on their eyes. Really unflattering if you do not know how to put makeup on properly I'm sorry but its the truth

Mar 28, 2014

Cami F.

1. When people put a super dark color in their crease and do not blend it out.
2. When people don't blend foundation down their neck.
3. Brown lipsticks on pale girls.
4. When people go nuts with highlighter.
5. Spider/stick lashes.
6. Black liner on lower lashline but not in waterline.
No offense meant to anyone, if you do these things, more power to you! Just my personal preferences 💋😊💥

Mar 28, 2014

Faith J.

I can't stand way to much mascara. Or when it's on there eyelids

Mar 28, 2014

Abby F.

When people try to achieve the "bigger lips" look by putting liner and lipstick outside their natural lip line. Ugh!

Mar 28, 2014

Amanda S.

When people intentionally wear the wrong foundation shade to look tanner, clumpy lashes, sharpie brows