Acne prone skin care help.


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Jul 16, 2014

Konstantina E.

Hi, so I have this weird acne, it has been the same since middle school pretty much. I've gone to dermatologists before, but it doesn't do much for me. I wear a lot of makeup because I don't feel confident or pretty. So if you guys could recommend any products I would be forever great full.

Jul 16, 2014

Ryan F.

Xout works

Jul 16, 2014

Amanda V.

If the products the derm. prescribes you aren't working, it's important that you go back and tell them.

I've had that happen many times. They'll make you climb a "ladder" , that is trying stronger and stronger products until you see results.

Jul 16, 2014

Leslie N.

^ exactly. The stuff you buy at stores never helped until I went to the derm and when that didn't work I was prescribed something else and that worked. How long did you use the stuff you got from you derm? Cause it gets worse before it can get better. A lot of the products take time and patience.

Jul 16, 2014

Maggie S.

What's your skincare routine currently? Also do you remember what the derm proscribed you?

Jul 16, 2014

Konstantina E.

I used the stuff for a few months from the derm, and then I went and bought some more of what they prescribed, but it didn't work. Right now I'm using this biore charcoal cleanser and some cera ve stuff too. The biore has been working a little bit,and I have to go back to the derm, I've just been to busy to make an appointment.

Jul 16, 2014

Karen L.

Can you describe your problem a little more? I can't really see or help that much from the picture :) & I really want to help!

Jul 16, 2014

Konstantina E.

Sure. So most of the acne is on my chin, and forehead and a little on my cheeks. It's not like a cystic acne, but more like bumps, if that makes sense. And nothing I use has really made a difference. I did use proactive for a while, but that just burned my skin, and made it way worse.

Jul 16, 2014

Leslie N.

Are they red bumps that don't come to the surface? Do you not get white heads very often?

Jul 16, 2014

Karen L.

Okay! :) well are they blackheads or whiteheads? They're probably clogged pores that when they rise up to the surface become whiteheads am I right? Well or this kind of acne you need to free your pores so you might want to invest in a clarisonic since it deeply cleans & exfoliates everyday. Also you can invest in a chemical exfoliant since scrubs don't usually work for this kind of problem. A bha or aha exfoliant solves the problem. This kind of acne doesn't seem hormonal to me, but are the bumps red? Or just like tiny bumps?

Jul 17, 2014

Puck B.

You can try to use Clarisonic but on me it didn't really work...