Eyelashes N Eyebrows


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Dec 21, 2012

Ashley N.

well I don't have any eyelashes or eyebrows which effects my self esteem so much. I have been using ALOT of eyeliner for a few years now. I put black eyeliner on the bottom and top of both eyes. more on my top eyelid. then I put light brown eyeliner for my eyebrows. The thing is I hate wearing make up n eyeliner all the time. its really annoying n I just want to look naturally pretty. I don't know if I can wear fake eyelashes because I dnt have any for the fake ones to stick to. please help!! :(

Dec 21, 2012

Elise L.

I would stay away from black eyeliner as it probably makes it more noticeable that you dont have lashes, stick with Brown's and then it wont look so harsh. I have very blond eyelashes and I find if I wear blackliner like you I need mascara. the more natural you keep your eyes it will be less noticeable... if that makes sense. be careful with wearing false lashes all the time as it might irritate the skin and slow down the regrowth process. look into latice as well worked wonders for alot of girls I know.

Dec 21, 2012

Elise L.

I know this is probably cheesy but try to embrace it, I've always lived by the rule that you should always play up one feature on your face, try keeping your eyes really bare a rock a red lipstick or a bold blush

Dec 21, 2012

Elise L.

try this

Dec 21, 2012

Elise L.

or this

Dec 21, 2012

Alyssa U.

Lilash/ Librow! They are a lash growing serum. Kind of expensive... But it's last for months.. And it works. Really works! I have been using it for 2 years, no bad side effects! 

Dec 21, 2012

Elise L.

maybe not purple lol but reds corals pinks

Dec 21, 2012

Kimberly H.

I agree with playing around with different looks. 

Dec 21, 2012

Megan M.

You should be able to wear false lashes no problem. You aren't supposed to stick them to your lashes, they're just supposed to sit right on top. You could try for those? Once you apply them a few times and you get the hang of it they're easy to put on and it doesnt take too long =] you could get semi permanent ones too but you have to get them touched up every few weeks

Dec 21, 2012

Hayley P.

Why don't you try a brown POWDER for your brows? It'll look more natural :) you could also try less harsh colours like browns and eggplant, or even try fake lashes? They also have eyelash extensions now adays, and you could ask your doctor for Latisse. Apparently it really works :)

Dec 21, 2012

Mariam L.

castor oil strengthens and grows thicker longer lashes and eyebrows. my lashes are really long but i've been coating my lashes with castor oil to keep them strong. :) u will see a big difference after a month

Dec 21, 2012

Sian R.

Or, use an eyelash/ eyebrow tint, don't leave it on too long, or go to a salon, they'll match up the right colouring for your skin tone etc. It might look obvious at first, but it fades quickly. X

Dec 21, 2012

Amy C.

I would recommend going to your doctor and asking if Latisse would benefit you. For your brows, I would suggest using a brow pencil or brow cream/powder instead of using an eyeliner. It would look more natural. You could also see a permanent cosmetic artist and have your brows tattooed. 

Zuri F.

Dec 21, 2012

Zuri F.

you can have your BBC twenties tattoed in permanently , That's quiet popular here In the uk and wear false lashes, semi permanent ones, that would be less upkeep