Hospital makeup, yes or no??


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Aug 11, 2014

Mari F.

I'm not this conceited lol but I look like a beast in the pics from my first childbirth. Pictures are forever so and I don't want to look so horrid. Any suggestions on what to put on, what's appropriate, what's comfortable ect.?

Aug 11, 2014

Nicole R.

Maybe a light amount of waterproof mascara and a conceler you don't want to put on anything that will smudge because if it can it will lol.

Aug 11, 2014

Qwaserght T.

Maybe just a tinted moisturizer or bb cream and a tinted lip balm, and maybe mascara
I've never had a baby before but I'm guessing it wouldn't be to comfortable with a full face of makeup
I guess it's all preference, but I'd say wear very light makeup
Are you expecting now?? If so congratulations

Aug 11, 2014

Rissa G.

Yeah I agree with Alexis...

Well, don't stress about it too much. Definitely don't spend fourty minutes in the bathroom prior while your water is broken. But definitely pre pack a little makeup bag and put it near the front door or in your purse so you can grab it. Child birth is sweaty and messy and you don't wanna end up looking like a mess, so stick to very simplistic but enhancing makeup.
Try an undereye brightner to make you look much more awake than you are, and maybe a single white shadow in your inner corner and under the brow bone to attract light to your eyes. An eyebrow pencil and maybe powder if you feel you need it. Other than that you don't need much, mascara to open up your eyes but that's it! Keep it natural :)

Aug 11, 2014

Mari F.

While in labor I guess, someone suggested to me it's a great way to take your mind off the pain, I'm planning on going natural and heading to the hospital right on time it's only minutes away. I don't mean eyeliner and blush and eyeshadow.. just something comfortable. And I understand what you mean Alexis.

Aug 11, 2014

Mari F.

Thank you Nicole that's a good idea.

Aug 11, 2014

Symone B.

I would say keep it simple. Get some cry proof and sweat proof products lol. Also durable brow products (if you're into that) here's a hospital makeup tutorial:

Aug 11, 2014

Mari F.

Thank you Qwaserght yes I am due any day.

Aug 11, 2014

Mari F.

thank you Symone!

Aug 11, 2014

Gypsy S.

I was with one of my best friends when she went into labor and as soon as we got into my car she pulled out her makeup and did her thang. I thought she was losing her mind lol She said like you, the pics from her first childbirth were beyond hideous..after hearing that I prob would've done the same thing lol.

Aug 11, 2014

Gypsy S.

Congrats babe🎉

Aug 11, 2014

Mari F.

Thank you Sandra your right (: I will definitely be taking this advice!

Aug 11, 2014

Kat A.

If you're going natural, it's better to go in the shower or bath. with your partner if you want. massages & aromatherapy are good too. for me, putting on makeup would have done absolutely nothing for my pain during labor haha.

Aug 11, 2014

Mari F.

Thank you Gypsy!! I'm glad you understand, it's not like."omg I have no makeup on, I'm ugly" It's.. labor is some hours, then you give birth, then it's over. It's beautiful and I loved the experience, but then I have to look at my awful face with my beautiful children and its like.. dang I wish I put something on lol I'll probably just do some bb cream and concealer. What did your friend put on?

Aug 11, 2014

Mari F.

Kat do you mean water birth? I've heard good things about that.

Yes Sandra (: my first was 12 hrs. labor I did 9 at home it was hell but well worth it. Thank you very much (:

Aug 11, 2014

Kat A.

Well I mean that is an option if your hospital allows that or if you give birth at home. but just in general being in the shower or bath will help with the pain from contractions. :)

Aug 11, 2014

Mari F.

Ohh yes I've heard that too. I'm not sure I will definitely ask.

Aug 11, 2014

Mari F.

Yes LOL gotcha. I'm actually more afraid of pain relieving methods! I hear an epidural gives you back pain for the rest of your life, and it takes longer to heal and be able to walk after birth. And a c section is just all bad and should only be done in an emergency. I That's what I've heard l lol.

Aug 11, 2014

Tonita C.

^ both of those statements are generalized. I was up walking around after having my second son within 3 hours with an epidural. C-sections are not only done in emergent situations either; it's common practice to actually schedule c-sections now and days, esp if precious births were via c-section. I don't know about the back pain for the rest of your life either...not sure how an epidural would affect healing after childbirth either...

Aug 11, 2014

Kat A.

I've never watched her YouTube, but yes. going without anything would be really hard. high five to whoever is strong enough for that lol. I was planning on going all natural, but after being in labor for probably around 8 hours I gave in & got an epidural :p it's not as scary as you think! I haven't had any back pain. & of course you might not be able to walk right after depending on when you got your epidural because it numbs you. but honestly, I never wanted to walk anyways haha. I was in bed like the whole time at the hospital. I also didn't have any problems healing.

Aug 11, 2014

Alyx T.

I'd honestly just go with a clear mascara and waterproof concealer if you really need it. It'll just sweat or cry off anyways. Besides, nobody looks all dolled up during or after giving birth lol.

Agreed with tonita though. My mom had no pain meds for my older sister (there was no time, it was an unusual birth and her doctor did a paper on it, because it was basically contractions started and were done in less than an hour and she was born) and she was in the hospital for a day or two and couldn't walk properly at first and needed a long time to heal. Where as with me she had an epidural and after my birth she was walking around the hospital to see my grandfather who suffered a heart attack the same morning. So she was going back and fourth between floors with ny father and was fine after like a few hours of resting since she was in labor for almost 10 hours lol.

Aug 11, 2014

Ashley D.

I didn't think you should wear make up when giving birth I honestly looked like crap when I have birth to both my girls and I didn't really care the only thing I care about was making sure my baby's were ok and kissing them all over lol

Aug 11, 2014

Ashley D.

Btw I wouldnt get the epidural I had it for my first daughter and my back would go out like crazy before I got pregnant for my second and I went all natural for my second which was a very painful but beautiful experience that trust me ill never forgot lol :)

Aug 11, 2014

Amber B.

Keep it simple mascara and liner both water proof and powder.
As far as the epidural I had one with my baby 1 because my doc thought I was going to be in labor much longer than I actually was. I was in pretty long around 8 hours and only dilated 2cm and was in crazy pain. literally right after I got it it was time to push. the meds didn't even have a chance to work. So immediately after no I wasn't able to was (I also got a episodime) to walk but by the end of the night I was in slight pain and my legs were a little week. Now five years later I have no back problems no pain in the spot or anything