Help With My Hair!!


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Aug 10, 2014

Sophie B.

My hair is very flat and has no volume and is straight! I'm wanting to know ways to get NO HEAT beachy waves and curls! Please help!!

Aug 10, 2014

Sophie B.

That's what it looks like in a pony tail!

Aug 10, 2014

Leslie N.

The braiding technique always works. When you braid it at night when it's damp and then take it out in the morning and finger through it

Aug 10, 2014

Lauren E.

You could do the braiding technique, basically what Leslie^ said, but whilst your hair is still damp, spray some salt spray onto it, braid it, and sleep. In the morning make sure it's dry before taking it out, or the waves will just drop. If your happy with your waves then spray some hair spray through your hair and from the bottom pick your hair up and scrunch it a bit, it'll look more messy and stay in for longer. I do this look a lot and it's amazing for school nights and works on all types of hair<3 good luck<3.

Aug 10, 2014

Sophie B.

I think I will try that!!

Aug 10, 2014

Autumn W.

Your hair is pretty! 😍 but yeah I say braiding overnight while you sleep is the best option.

Aug 10, 2014

Becky B.

Sea salt spray for beachy waves. And dry shampoo for volume