Unhealthy eating


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Dec 18, 2012

Holly D.

I was wondering how bad is unhealthy eating for your skin? I'm not too bad, but I could be a lot better. I have oily skin and acne, would i see any change to this if I started eating healthier food?

Dec 18, 2012

Ines A.

Definitely yes! Fruits and vegetables are great,they have water content AND vitamins. Vitamins are your best friend for good skin. Also some fruits have antioxidants, which do good work. Avoid greasy burgers, fast food in general and the worst you can have is sodas. Hope it helped a bit :) <3 

Dec 18, 2012

Chrissy S.

I have noticed a HUGE change in my skin since changing my eating habits. I used to eat total junk and now I've been making the effort to include whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as staying away from refined sugars and fatty foods. I've also been drinking lots more water. My skin used to be absolutely AWFUL and was full of acne. Now that I've changed my eating habits my skin has almost completely cleared up within a month. I would check out the book Feed Your Face by Jessica Wu for more info, but eating better totally changed my skin! 

Dec 18, 2012

Lori J.

Your diet does effect your skin. I used to eat one meal a day and only allow myself juice or Gatorade to drink. I had huge pores, acne and of course fine lines dark bags under my eyes. Now that I eat like a normal person, three complete meals and healthy snacks ( love me some apples) drink plenty of water juice and my babe coffee my pores have give down my breakouts are few and far between and my bags are much better!!

Dec 18, 2012

Lori J.

Bane that is not babe and gone not give sorry!! Stupid auto correct!!

Dec 18, 2012

Holly D.

Thank you!! I'm definitely going to eat healthier from now on :)

Dec 18, 2012

Avery M.

Oh ya it definitely effects your skin. If I eat to many carbs or too much sugar I notice I will get pimples.