Heat damage or not?


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Aug 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Personally, I don't think it matters whether or not you use heat on your hair, as long as you use a protector and take care of it when you wash it and stuff. I mean, look at me! I dye my hair, usually bleach it, every couple of months, I heat style often, and everyone (hairstylists included) tell me how it's amazing how healthy my hair is.

Aug 15, 2014

Kendra H.

It really just depends on your hair type. I have super thin hair that's been damaged by years of prescribed narcotic medication. Using heat was actually causing my hair to fall out so I've gone heat free. For me at least it made a huge difference in the health of my hair and I always recommend that you give your hair at least a few months away from heat styling. It's not a lie that heat will damage your hair but you also have to realize when your hair is being damaged. I'd recommend to use a heat protectant that's a good quality and continue with whatever you want to do. If you notice damage however, it might be time to reduce your heat use or use lower settings etc.

Aug 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Well, everyone is different, but that's certainly my opinion :)

Aug 15, 2014

Alyx T.

See my hair is like Hannah's. Been bleached a ton, but healthier than most peoples undyed hair. My hairdresser literally shows me off to her coworkers as the one with "invincible hair" lol. But I rarely use heat. Just because I have really damaged it in the past from straightening everyday and my hair is starting to get curlier. So lots of thick curly hair is like 2 hours of straightening lol. But I do blow dry my hair probably twice a month or if I'm in a rush and use a few passes of a flat iron or curling iron every few days to fix some of my curls if they're unruly. But I don't notice any difference. It's just to big of a pain in the ass to use them. My arms get tired and it's just to much work to do my entire head lol.

So shannie if you go a few weeks with minimal heat, and you notice a difference then definitely start using less, but if you're using a heat protectant and your hair isn't getting noticeably more damaged each time you use heat, then you should be fine. :)

Aug 15, 2014

Hannah K.

Invincible hair, OMG I love it!!

Aug 15, 2014

Selia H.

Well your already damaging it by dyin the roots. I dnt you use protector when dying your hair... But anyways its not bad I just went the past year straighting my hair every other day & I went for a cut the lady said I didnt need 1 cuss it looked real healthy ( I dnt use protector anymore) 4years ago I would need a cut every 3 to 6 months even with protector I would get split ends and super dry ends.

Aug 16, 2014

Kendra H.

I think your fine then! Try some hair masks if your really worried about the health! A hair mask once a month can be really beneficial with nutrients and such!
So jelly of all these girls with their "invincible" hair! Y'all be lucky ducks! XD :D