Hair products that lighten dark hair.


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Aug 14, 2014

Christine J.

Are there products out there that do this without bleaching your hair? I was watching a YouTube video of a girl who said she uses a L'oreal hair dye that lightens her dark hair to a golden brown without bleach...I'm not sure if she is mistaken but I've never heard of this before...If it is true, can any of you tell me specifically what products or products do this?

Aug 14, 2014

Rissa G.

Yeah that box dye only works on NATURAL untreated hair. I used it on my roots once and it lightened it by like two shades. This oneeee.

Aug 14, 2014

Rissa G.

Yeah, it works only on natural uncolored hair though. I used it on my whole head, and it only lightened my roots (bc they were obviously virgin hair) by two shades.

This one

Aug 14, 2014

Emily W.

A hi-lift color is still using bleach. They just call it by a different name: lightener (either powder or cream).

The only non-bleach methods are damaging and unpredictable. Lemon juice diluted in water will lighten hair to various shades of orange, and also leave it incredibly dry and damaged. Additionally, it can cause chemical burns on your scalp, and makes both hair and skin photosensitive (meaning they will burn in sunlight).

Sun-In, a spray product from the drugstore, uses citric acid (the same lightening component in lemon juice), and is equally damaging and unpredictable.

Natural honey contains trace amounts of hydrogen peroxide, which is a lightener. However, it takes a long time to work and people with pollen allergies can have reactions. It is the least damaging DIY.

Bleach is not as terrible as people say it is. Talk to a colorist and find out what it would take to get the color you want, and if your hair is healthy enough.

Aug 14, 2014

Kat A.

Back in middle school I used a box dye on my black hair (it was one of the feria dyes) & my hair turned a light brown.

Aug 14, 2014

Clarissa T.

Honey in your shampoo is a good home remedy it actually realy works

Christine J.

Orange County, CA