Ideas on what to get before school starts??


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Aug 16, 2014

Shannon B.

I'm making a shopping trip before school starts. Going to be a junior this year.
I just need ideas on what to get and where I might get it.
(I'm not into things that are really girly)
So anything with makeup and clothes would be amazing :)
Thank you in advance

Aug 16, 2014

Jennifer S.

I've really been into jogger pants. They're cute and comfy and I don't really feel they're to girlie lol. Also I've been stocking up on just plain v necks, Camis, and just some plain shirts.

Aug 16, 2014

Emily M.

I just went to express and I'm loving what they have out now so I'd check it out!

Aug 16, 2014

Chante M.

Basic tees, cardigans, jackets, cute sweats.