How to wash makeup brushes without buying cleaner.


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Aug 16, 2014

Sav L.

Is there a way to clean your brushes without having to buy brush cleaner?

Aug 16, 2014

Kenna S.

You can make it from alcohol, baby shampoo, and water. (:

Aug 16, 2014

Alexandra C.

Dish soap or shampoo works!! :-)

Aug 16, 2014

Ashley I.

Try this!

Aug 17, 2014

Lola A.

I put hand soap in my hand and wet the brush and just swish it around in my hand or you could do it in a cup. It turns my brushes from brown to white again.

Aug 17, 2014

Rosie M.

Baby shampoo on a napkin, and rub the brush on the napkin. You could also use olive oil, they both work very well.

Aug 17, 2014

Payton K.

I like to use olive oil and baby shampoo and swirl my brushes around in that. Then I wash them, reshape them and let them dry (: