Mac questions :)


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Aug 16, 2014

Lindsay H.

1) Does NW15 stand for anything? I have this shade in the pro long wear concealer

2) And what is the best thing to apply the prolong wear concealer with? I only got it yesterday and tried applying it with my fingers to my under eye blueness and it hardly covered it at all, plus it doesn't look natural it looks kind of blotchy... Am I applying wrong? or is there a certain tool you should use to apply it?

I was really excited about it and it was kind of pricey for me and I was told it had great coverage. I tried building it up but it still came out with the same results :/

Aug 16, 2014

Jazzmyn R.

Not sure about what "nw" or "nc" means. Sorry. But if you have a dense synthetic brush, like an eye brush, you can blend it out with that. Patting motions will cover more. Also if you have a kabuki brush of any kind, that can help blend over a larger area.

Aug 16, 2014

Jazzmyn R.

I don't think natural haired brushes would work well tho. 😊 hope I helped.

Aug 16, 2014

Hannah E.

When you use your fingers, are tapping or smearing? I use the nars concealer and it took awhile for me to get used to applying it. I sort of smear a little to spread it then tap only the edges to blend it out and keep it natural looking. it keeps the coverage focused near the inner corner as well. I hope that makes sense.

perhaps try a small flat brush or beautyblender?

Aug 16, 2014

Cassidy R.

1) I'm thinking it stands for neutral warm but I don't have much experience with mac and I don't have the pro long wear concealer so I'm probably wrong haha
2) I normally see or hear about people applying it with their fingers or a beauty blender so maybe try with a sponge and see if that helps? Sorry I wasn't much help!

Aug 16, 2014

Lindsay H.

I tap it on with my ring finger

As you can see in the picture there is still blue showing through ( it's more prominent in person ) and it seems to have the same coverage as my old concealer that wasn't the best

But I'll purchase a sponge and see if that is better :) I had one before but I had to throw it away

Aug 16, 2014

Kenna S.

Nw=neutral warm
Nc=neutral cool 

Aug 16, 2014

Lindsay H.

Thanks Kenna:) Since I have a cool undertone shouldn't they have given me NC15 instead of NW15??

Aug 16, 2014

Saby T.

Like everyone said,NW means neutral warm and for those who have cool undertone.If your under eye area is dry try moisturizing it first and then apply the concealer.Mine is quite dry so I prime first and then gently tap the concealer on with my ring finger and if you need more coverage then wait for the first layer to dry and then apply another layer.You can't build up layers without letting the first one to dry.And for brush try using a synthetic brush bcz they won't absorb the product like natural hair brushes or sponges would.I can't recommend one sry!

Aug 16, 2014

Lindsay H.

Oh that makes sense now :) I'm happy I didn't pick my own shade out or else I would have been terribly wrong

Hey Jacqueline where can you buy the Kevyn auction concealer brush?

Aug 16, 2014

Lindsay H.

And what is the cost of it?:

Aug 16, 2014

Lindsay H.

Thank you:)