Do you curl your lashes?


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Dec 22, 2012

Olivia W.

I don't curly my lashes before I apply mascara. Does it make much of a difference?

Dec 22, 2012

Allison W.

I dont curl mine either unless im wearing false eyelashes. Mine gets sorta clumpy if i do. What mascara do you use? Your eyes are GORGEOUS by the way. :) 

Dec 22, 2012

Cheemoandia B.

No tried it but never turned out the way I wanted them to

Dec 22, 2012

Kayli H.

I have to curl my lashes. If I don't they grow straight down

Dec 22, 2012

Murphy P.

I have too because I wear glasses and my lashes touch the.lenses :) haha

Dec 22, 2012

Avery M.

I do.

Dec 22, 2012

Christine K.

I have to because I have very short and very straight lashes. I tried curling them after mascara and I hate the way my lashes stick to the curler

Dec 22, 2012

Shanea J.

I do when I'm wearing false lashes. Other wise I don't. 

Dec 22, 2012

Amanda B.

I've never actually curled my lashes cuz I am afraid of pinching my eyelid with the eyelash curler. lol.

Dec 22, 2012

Kaysey L.

It definitely makes a difference for me. My lashes look way better when I curl them.

Dec 22, 2012

Drea L.

Nope. I have naturally extremely curly hair, so my lashes naturally curl. I'm so grateful for it! 

Dec 22, 2012

Melissa H.

I always do. I run the curler under hot water and curl them before putting on mascara

Dec 22, 2012

Andi H.

I always curl my lashes! Mine grow straight out with very little natural curl so I love curling them! Makes me look more awake.

Dec 22, 2012

Kelly E.

I do and it makes a big difference

I've tried a few times, and for me it doesn't make much, if any difference! Guess it just depends on the person!

Dec 22, 2012

Tia B.

Sometimes. My eyes look too dramatic sometimes so ill only do it for special occasions. Or if I'm wearing glasses, then I have to curl them, or if they're getting in my eyes.