Deep Set Eyes.. Help?


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Aug 9, 2014

Melanie S.

Hi all!

I have really deep set eyes. No matter what I do eyeshadow wise I don't like how it looks.

Does anyone have any eye makeup ideas or tricks to help me make my eyes pop?

Thanks in advance!

Aug 9, 2014

Bry R.

Have you tried light shimmery colors? Like champagne shades?

Aug 9, 2014

Melanie S.

I have, but my skin is really fair and a lot of the time you can't see the lighter colors.

Aug 9, 2014

MaKenzie T.

It looks like you have hooded eyes, so try and find styles that compliment them. For example I k j ow traditional smokey eyes look fabulous on hooded eyes.:))) I would ask a mod. Jackie and Alma would definitely know what shapes would compliment your eyes.

Aug 9, 2014

MaKenzie T.

And I would actually try some dark colors. Don't limit yourself!:)