Adventures with Bleach


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Aug 10, 2014

Alyx T.

Special effects is a weird brand. They are only sold locally on request so if you have an alternative shop then you might be able to get it.

Ultraviolet is the perfect toner color though. Just use like a 1:5 dye to conditioner/shampoo ratio or you might get a bit of a purple tint. it'd wash off quick with a harsh shampoo but that's always a hassle lol

Aug 10, 2014

Haley G.

Agree with using ultraviolet as a toner! I do that for my blonde streak and it works great at getting those yellow-golden tones out. I do follow with a purple shampoo.

Aug 10, 2014

Emily W.

Rosemily: I used Wella T15, which is *slightly* less ashy based on the swatch at Sally, with a 20vol. developer, and nothing happened. :/

Rachel: In that photo it was still wet, when it dried it was a light yellow (like creamed corn). I am actually on a lot of different medications. I had no idea that could affect hair dye, but it makes sense. Also our water is terrible, so there's that.

Here's what I ended up doing: Wella 12A/1210 "Frosty Ash" permanent dye with 20 vol. for 35 minutes, then Matrix color protecting conditioner mixed with Manic Panic Ultraviolet left in for ~7 minutes with a shower cap on. My hair is still drying (I don't own a blow dryer because I've never used one before). So far it looks a LOT less yellow, so that's promising. It is still pretty uneven, but I've got my hair in a side part and it isn't as bad. Kind of a sideways ombre (I'm going to pretend that's a thing). ;) I can deal with that for a couple weeks and then bleach again to get it even; I don't want to put more bleach on right now since it's been bleached twice in two days. Thanks for the help everyone! I really appreciate it. :D

Aug 10, 2014

Emily W.

A photo of my hair currently (still damp, but the top is mostly dry). Looking much better. :) My bathroom lighting is kind of yellow as well, which I just realized is contributing to the photos looking more yellow than they should.

Aug 10, 2014

Alyx T.

Looks good so far :)
And for the next few weeks use the purple conditioner once or twice a week depending how much you wash your hair until you've got your desired color :)

Aug 11, 2014

Krupa B.

Andddd don't forget deep conditioning
your hairs beautiful!

Aug 11, 2014

Alya A.

I don't really know anything about dyes 😁
Just wanted to say I love blonde on you it goes great with your complexion 😄

Aug 11, 2014

Emily W.

Thank you Krupa and Alya! :)