Back to School: Everything You Need to Know.


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Aug 9, 2014

Emily W.

Okay, is anyone else tired of the fifty billion back to school posts asking the exact same questions?? Let's make it easy and put everything in one thread.

If you're buying new clothes, stick with classic pieces that you can mix and match for a variety of occasions and seasons. Solid colored tanks, tees, cardigans, and jackets. Denim jeans in a variety of cuts and washes. Comfortable athletic shoes and a pair of formal flats or low heels (if you're in high school). Add a couple of trendy or personality pieces, but don't buy everything in trendy styles that you won't like next year. Use accessories to add personal touches to outfits. Remember to follow your school's dress code.

Middle school: at this age you don't really need any. Focus on taking care of your skin. Wear sunscreen! Develop good habits now. If your parents allow it, mascara and lip gloss is appropriate. Keep things natural looking and enjoy your youth.

High school: do not feel like you "need" to wear makeup. Again, focus on skincare. Sunscreen is extremely important. Most people in high school either don't wear makeup or wear very little. Focus on finding products that work for you (right color, formula) and learning techniques of application. Try not to cake it on like Spackle; you'll look back at pictures and wonder what you were thinking.

Stay within confines of your school's dress code. Simple styles that don't require a lot of time are ideal. Braids and buns are fun ways to change things up. So are accessories like patterned headbands, jeweled bobby pins, and bows.

I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but nobody, and I mean nobody, cares. Pick what you like, because nobody else is going to bat an eye. Try to find a backpack with supportive straps that is durable and stain-resistant. Jansport bags are popular. Messenger bags tend to cause back and shoulder problems. A big purse is an option if you don't have textbooks, but it isn't ideal.

As for what to carry? It is school, not the wilderness. Carry your school supplies, textbooks, notebooks, and other academic ephemera (calculators, rulers, etc.). Bring your lunch, obviously, and a bottle of water (I like nalgene bottles, they're durable and don't make the water taste odd like steel bottles do). If you want, bring a small toiletries bag with tissues, gum, an extra hair tie/bobby pins, a brush, ChapStick, deodorant, and feminine hygiene products. If you choose to bring makeup, less is more. A small powder compact and lip gloss will be fine for a day at school.

What NOT to bring:
Perfume, hairspray, and other strongly scented or aerosol products. You never know if someone around you is asthmatic or sensitive to these products. Not to mention most high schoolers go way overboard with the cologne. If people can smell you from more than a foot away, it is too much.

Don't bring anything valuable, fragile, irreplaceable, or that could cause serious problems if stolen (e.g. don't carry your social security card in your wallet, don't have your credit card information on your phone). Don't leave anything in your car that can invite theft. Also, if you have something in your bag that is breakable, chances are very high that it will get broken. This is especially true of perfume bottles, nail polish, and lipsticks.


The most important thing to remember is that school is an institution of learning, not a fashion show or a social hall. Focus on your work and make a genuine effort. This is the foundation for the rest of your life. All of the petty drama, social hierarchy, and whatever else will disappear when school is over; grades and the things you learn will not. Never let other people make you feel inferior or affect your self worth. In situations when someone tries to stir up stuff, be the better person. Always remember to say "please" and "thank you." Never expect to get anything for free; you are not entitled to anything you did not earn. Stay true to yourself and your values, regardless of peer pressure.

I've covered everything that I can think of, but definitely add your tips!

Aug 9, 2014

Leona S.

AMEN EMILY! I see them all the time and I wonder why others can't look at the already made posts because they are the same! I love you right now ohmy.

Aug 9, 2014

Lauren G.

🙏👏 thanks for this

Aug 9, 2014

Tori J.

Thank you soo much for posting this!! 👍👍👍

Aug 9, 2014

Emily B.

If only we could teach people how to use the search bar haha. These "foundations for oily skin" threads are getting old too.

Aug 9, 2014

Rissa G.


Aug 9, 2014

Emily W.

I think part of the issue is that the search is only somewhat helpful. For example, I searched "dry skin foundation" on the app and got nothing but results about oily skin, and the results were all threads that are several years old. On the actual website the search is a little better (being able to sort by date is the best feature I think), but still not perfect.

I just think that it is better for everyone to condense all of the advice into a single thread. It is a sisyphean task to post the same advice on thread after thread, and I think people get tired of doing it-- resulting in threads with few or no answers and people not getting any advice at all. This way, we only have to post our advice once, and people can come and see it all in one convenient place. :)

Aug 9, 2014

Rissa G.

Jacqueline, oh my gosh, I agree about Leona. She reminds me of someone on here in the way she speaks lol.

Aug 9, 2014

Leona S.

A month :) or maybe two!

Aug 9, 2014

Amanda V.

Emily I agree with pretty much everything you said! However I do have to say, that I realllly love fashion, so the best part of my day is actually getting ready for school. Girls should NOT, by any means, look "club ready" but there's nothing wrong with expressing one's individuality or personal style.

HOWEVER, learning should always be #1 most important!

Thank you for posting this 🙌

Aug 9, 2014

Leona S.

I am guilty of never wearing nice clothes to school freshman-senior year was sweats I wore a dress for picture days I always see people in such nice clothes and I'm here in sweats with food in my hands.

Aug 9, 2014

Kat A.

Thank you for this post. I agree with absolutely everything you said lol.

Aug 9, 2014

Alma M.

This thread is very helpful Emily and lets hope they will look into this thread :-)

You go girl👏👏

Aug 9, 2014

Kitty K.

I love this thread, mainly because it is generally what I was bought up with. I had to wake up at 5:20 everyday to go to school, and we had uniforms so dressing up was a bit easier because you could just really grab whatever.

I see a lot of girls asking for eyeshadow looks, hair styles, back packs, etc.for school. I think it's fine to want to look your best for school, assuming you have all other priorities laid out appropriately.. but I feel like it also adds a bit of pressure to those girls who typically don't wear anything fancy to school.

These threads have increased a bit dramatically, I do agree... but I would also like for all of these ladies to know that to dress up nicely for school is a personal choice, and they should not feel pressured about finding the perfect 'xyz product' because at the end of the day, that pretty expensive looking bookbag is ultimately just being thrown around on a floor that is cleaned 2-3 times a year.

Aug 9, 2014

Leona S.

I do pick up on how others talk who have better grammar than me like you because my grammar isn't good. I wasn't taught good grammar because I went to a bad school and only leaned proper English my junior year and senior year after I moved schools. You are welcome tho for the answer :)

Aug 9, 2014

Alma M.

Yes Jackie is correct :-) sticky thread we shall see.

Aug 9, 2014

Leona S.

Oh Emily I want to add something to the list go school shopping a month or two before so when you go everything isn't picked over I had that happen went school supply shopping and some clothes shopping and I couldn't find a darn calculator anywhere

Aug 9, 2014

Emily W.

I agree Amanda. I never said that they can't/shouldn't; I was just offering advice about what clothes will last the longest and be the most versatile. Particularly in school, when you have a lot changing in your life and not necessarily a lot of funds to constantly update your wardrobe. :)

Another thing I just thought of, given that I have been interviewing a lot of high school kids lately for retail positions and they seem to have NO CLUE: have an appropriate interview outfit, whether it is for college admissions or a job.
- Jeans, no matter what wash, are NOT appropriate for an interview. Period. If you show up to an interview with me and you are wearing jeans, your application goes straight into the special round filing cabnet. It doesn't matter if you are interviewing at McDonald's or the Ritz, you dress professionally. A manager is taking time out of their schedule to meet you, so looking sharp is a sign of respect.
- Blouses should not show any cleavage, and shoulders must be covered. A colored tank top (a lace camisole works well, as long as the neckline is high) under a cardigan sweater looks nice and age appropriate. Avoid sheer fabrics, loud colors and busy prints.
- Pants should be black, khaki, grey, or navy slacks that are not tight, or a skirt (knee-length hemline, not extremely fitted). Pantyhose are appropriate in a professional setting.
- Shoes: flats or low heels, always closed-toe and closed back.
- Jewelry and makeup should be minimal and sedate; no crazy hoop earrings or bright lipstick (which can be seen as intimidating or provacative).
- Piercings should be removed if possible, or switched for clear retainer jewelry. Tattoos should be covered whenever possible.
- Nails should be clean and neat, with neutral polish free of nail art.
- Hair should be pulled back away from the face, a low ponytail is considered the most professional.
- Avoid fragrance (wear deodorant, but skip perfume). You never know if the manager you are meeting is sensative to scents. Also, my manager told me that once he was interviewing a woman who was wearing the same scent that his ex-wife used to wear, and it really killed his impression of her. She was qualified, but he went with another candidate that was equally qualified and didn't remind him of his evil ex-wife. So skip the perfume!

Aug 9, 2014

Emily B.

You should make a separate thread for the interview stuff!

Aug 9, 2014

Leona S.

Would you beleive me that my mom interviewed someone for a position as a receptionist and the girl showed up in a pink club dress with black stilettos XD Turned down right away.

Aug 9, 2014

Emily W.

Wow everyone posted while I was typing! You ladies are quick!

Sticky threads are a GREAT IDEA. Seriously, if I could bold that text and make it dance around the page I would. Every forum I've been a part of has some kind of sticky system, and it really cuts down on repeat questions dramatically. Especially since the search system has some... flaws.

Leona: I agree, shopping early is often the best. Conversely, sometimes waiting until after school has started you can find sales on things when retailers are trying to get rid of the leftover inventory. It's a risky strategy, but occasionally it pays off.

Em: You're definitely right. It is much easier to experiment with style in college. Comfort and dressing appropriately for the weather are really the only hard rules (unless your university has a dress code like mine). You can get away with a lot more in college than you can in school or after graduating.

Aug 9, 2014

Emily W.

Emily: Hey, nice name! I'm pretty sure I've made an interview thread before (ages and ages ago). They don't pop up as much as the other stuff though.

Aug 9, 2014

Alma M.

Emily your in Santa Cruz? Awesome :-)

Aug 9, 2014

Andrea V.

I love this thread!! I also now know who to ask for some interview advice;) if you wouldn't mind haha.