I know this is dumb but..


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Aug 7, 2014

makeup a.

I'm young and I have fairly good skin my question is how can I tell I am breaking out ne.

If you have pimples??
And if there's small spots on your face that feels sore it means there's a zit about to come up

Aug 7, 2014

Martina K.

And if you pop it before it fully develops, does it heal, @Qwaserght? Sorry, I just had to know. And when popped, does it heal faster or slower, you know, because it wasn't fully developed yet.

Aug 7, 2014

Olivia A.

"Breaking out" = zits/pimples/acne/spots.

I find I can't really pop it while it's still under the skin
And I find if I squeeze at it to much it's very red and irritated when it comes up

Aug 7, 2014

makeup a.

Before its to late.

Aug 7, 2014

Martina K.

Well, mine was a little plumped up but not yellow, only if you looked REEEAL close and I popped it. Ouch. (Something came out too so it wasn't for nothing!) Needless to say it got red and irritated but do you think it will take a longer time to heal or faster?(hopefully) and if so, could you please try to estimate with me about when? Sorry this isn't my post, but I didn't want to make a different thread about this.

Aug 7, 2014

Martina K.

And it was sore and hurted when you pushed it a bit.

Aug 7, 2014

Martina K.

Sorry, I mentioned above my reason why. Sorry @makeup a! 💓

Aug 7, 2014

Rachel S.

You shouldn't really pop spots as it can lead to scarring, especially if they're not at a head yet (or so I believe)... you're better off just letting them heal on their own :) I know it's tempting!

Aug 7, 2014

Rachel S.

And to the OP, you'll know if you're breaking out if you get multiple spots appearing at once 😊

I think it heals slower because it gets irritated
So yeah, makeup a.
I guess of you feel some sore spots on your face it means you might break out, but don't worry about it and do t touch because it will make it worse
If you put spot treatment on it it will help it come up faster and once it's up you can continue putting spot treatment on it so it goes away faster

Aug 8, 2014

Diana T.

It usually starts as a painful under the surface bump or for me my face starts itching in that spot that the pimple is developing on.

Aug 8, 2014

Mallory L.

@Alexis there is absolutely nothing wrong with asking additional questions on a thread, especially if the additional questions are related to the initial question. In fact, @Martina is doing us a favor because if she created a new post, there's a possibility that someone else's post would get pushed down. Ladies please remember that Beautylish has Forum Moderators and if anyone is breaking forum rules, they will be sure to handle it as it is their job to do so and not ours. IF someone is breaking a forum rule it is okay to POLITELY remind them of BL guideline, not calling them disrespectful and speaking to them in a rude manner.