This is really nasty but.


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Jul 30, 2014

Emily M.

Do you use Facewash on your eyelids? If not, maybe do so and if it doesn't go away go to a derm.

Jul 30, 2014

Katherine L.

I would just leave it alone. It's probably a whitehead but with the sensitivity of the eyelid area I wouldn't apply anything just yet.

Jul 30, 2014

Maggie F.

That looks like milia to me. I'm not sure exactly what it is but google it. I thinks it's like a little cyst or clogged pore. I get them around my eyes at times (inner corners). I would just leave it alone. Sometimes mine takes months or longer to go away. Once an aesthetician removed one with a tool like a needle, but it was super painful!

Jul 30, 2014

Traci L.

It's milia hun and because it's on your lid I wouldn't mess with it to much,you can go to a dermatologist and they will lance it or you can try Isomers enzyme eye peel to break the clog down

Jul 30, 2014

Megan M.

Ohhh I get those sometimes from rubbing my eye too much. They go away on there own, if you don't mess with them.

Jul 31, 2014

Amy S.

Milia... takes a while to go away. It can be lanced... get that done professiinally. If done properly, its a quick, and fairly painless process.

Rubbing, overexfoliating and oil based product in eye are some things that cause them.