My mascara gets on my eyelid? Help!


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Jul 30, 2014

Shania D.

So when I put on mascara it gets on my lid, like where my eyeliner is and near the crease, anyone know how to fix it?

Jul 30, 2014

Rissa G.

Same. always. lol. I have long lashes so it gets allllll over. following

Jul 30, 2014

Shania D.

It's so hard to remove :(

Jul 30, 2014

Diana S.

If you tilt your head back you'll less likely get it on your lids. You can also use a card behind your lashes.

Jul 30, 2014

Sam R.

Just let it dry then very gently use a cotton swab to rub it off but be very careful so that you don't rub away your eyeshadow in the process, but remember let it dry if you try and clean it while it's wet it will just spread and become a mess.

Jul 30, 2014

Kayla S.

Use a business card to keep over your eyelid and then apply mascara.

Jul 30, 2014

Shania D.

Thanks everyone

Jul 30, 2014

Pati L.

I use a qtip and do it will it's wet I roll it on the mascara that got on my lid and it's easier if it's day you have to rub on it more with a qtip it's easier kinda confusing lol.

Jul 30, 2014

Atiyah Y.

It happens to me all the time especially when I already have eyeshadow on. I usually just leave it until its dry. I then take a dry qtip & rub it over the mascara lightly & it comes right off without messing up my eyeshadow. If you don't let it dry full & rub it off it gets even more messier.