Gross cakey lips


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Dec 19, 2012

Rachel C.

Am I the only one who gets this after using lip products?! I usually put lip moisturizer, lip primer and then a light gloss... but a few hours in it starts caking and causes a white line near the insides and corners! I usually end up getting a wet paper towel and exfoliate my lip then start the process over. :/

Dec 19, 2012

Courtney O.

Omg i get that too!!! It sucks, I don't know why it happens:(

Dec 19, 2012

Drea L.

YES. All the time! I've never known why this happens. This happens when I use my $1 lipsticks & $15 ones. Matte, Satin, glossy, it happens ALL THE TIME! It makes me so sad & it's embarrassing when people notice.

Dec 19, 2012

Rachel C.

Ohhhhkay. I thought it was just me. If anyone out there knows how to avoid this, spill it!!! Pretty please? ;)

Dec 19, 2012

Courtney O.

Yes please D: it's so embarrassing

Dec 19, 2012

Jacy L.

Exfoliate your lips prior to applying your lip product, for instance once I'm done brushing my teeth, I brush my lips with my tooth brush. :b Problem solved. :)

Dec 19, 2012

Drea L.

It still happens after I exfoliate my lips. It usually cakes up on where my lips touch when I have my mouth closed. I have no idea why. 

Dec 19, 2012

Tiffany M.

I don't put anything on before my primer I also make sure my primer doesn't cover the 'wet' part of my lip

Dec 19, 2012

Tori C.

I notice it doesn't happen when I wear just gloss alone, but idk how to help w/ the other stuff /: but I'd try drinking more water, because its happened to me when I was dehydrated. May or may not be a factor? 

Dec 19, 2012

Rachel C.

Yep, Andrea I'm totally with you on this one. I exfoliate regularly as well. 

Dec 19, 2012

Annette B.

me to :-(

Dec 19, 2012

Cadee P.


Dec 19, 2012

Cadee P.

Follow me PLZ!

Dec 19, 2012

Brianne D.

As long as you follow back cadee

Dec 19, 2012

Lara T.

Exfoliation is key ladies, I use my toothbrush too as some of you mentioned. The white line you see is actually skin cells that appear clumped in the product. These cells are the ones that are generated by dry lips & lack of exfoliation. If you only notice this while wearing multiple lip products, i.e. balm, lipstick, gloss combo, then you may have a situation where the products are interacting negatively. Every product we use is designed to be stable by itself, that chemical balance can be swayed if a product is used in combination with another and their interaction is poor. Try keeping your lips moist & exfoliated, then experiment with different combinations of lip products to see which ones don't cause that cakey film. Good luck :)

Dec 19, 2012

Drea L.

Wow Lara, thanks! That was actually ridiculously informative. I guess I'm just not exfoliating well enough! I'll also try to stick to just one product on my lips & see if that's the issue. =D

Dec 19, 2012

Sarah R.

at least I know its not just me! I felt like a proper Minger despite religiously exfoliating

Dec 19, 2012

Sarah R.

hmm dehydration... thats gone right up my flag pole that has. I.m saluting that one. cos I work in ambulance control room and its hot and me gabbing all day gets me parched. gonna try chugging water all day even though I'll be missy pee pants

Dec 19, 2012

Rachel C.

Thanks Lara! :)

Dec 19, 2012

Nicole A.

ugh its the worst I get it to, but not as much with a Matte lipstick Inglots mattes are the best.

Dec 19, 2012

Destiny F.

Tht happens a lot to me too and I exfoliate. But I've tried applying the gloss on the outer parts of my lips and not in the center and just rubbing my lips together to spread the gloss around and it stopped caking! I thinks it's because there's not soo much gloss in the corners of my mouth. Idk thts just me tho :) 

Dec 20, 2012

Rachel C.

Nicole, this is true! I don't get as much with matte lipsticks, only glosses. 

Dec 20, 2012

Kimberly E.

Are you exfoliating your lips? Use honey and sugar.. Or a dry tooth brush. You're also putting way to many products on your lips. Try just doing the lip balm at night as a treatment. If you're just doing a gloss, you don't need a primer. You can try an anti feathering pencil around your lips as well to keep gloss and lipstick in place. 

Dec 21, 2012

Katrina M.

Oh sweet baby Jesus. I thought this only happened to me! Thanks Lara for the info!