Mission impossible! Help


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Jul 30, 2014

Sophie O.

Ok, I know everyone want to know this and it does sound like mission impossible, so I'm wondering how to get makeup to look like I'm not wearing any. Keep in mind I do wear foundation and concealer but not tons.

Jul 30, 2014

kim N.

Bb cream, concealer, mascara, blush, lip gloss or lip balm.

Jul 30, 2014

Lindsay H.

A sheer foundation that is well blended , concealer that is well blended, a brown mascara or just curl your lashes and use a clear mascara
(if you want your lashes to look fuller without using black or tons of mascara take a waterproof brown eyeliner and tight line the upper waterline )
A natural coloured blush and then a lip balm or gloss :)

Jul 30, 2014

Sophie O.

Thanks guys!