What colors for these dresses?


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Aug 5, 2014

Shannon B.

I am going to sew these two dresses but I would like to know what colors would make them look amazing.

I'll be using them for my last two proms if try turn out the way I hope :)


Aug 5, 2014

Shannon B.


Aug 5, 2014

Regan N.

I really like the idea of coral or an orange Creme shade for the second dress.

Aug 5, 2014

Sophie O.

Nice! I wish I could sew prom dresses. I can do little ones but not really nice ones.😂😂

Aug 5, 2014

ramie x.

I'd leave the second one as is! I love that blue and it would really bring out your eyes! As for the first, maybe red!

Aug 5, 2014

Sarah J.

The first one I'd do blue as for the second one I'd do like a pretty mint green

Aug 5, 2014

Iris J.

Is do a coral or mint color for the second one (:

Aug 5, 2014

Kat S.

1: deep purple with gold designs
2: coral

Aug 5, 2014

Belle M.

1. Coral

2. Mint green