Beauty vs.The Environment


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Dec 20, 2012

Clurra D.

I moved to Louisiana from Ireland about two years ago and have been struggling to regain control over my skin care and make up ever since. I've changed from a combination skin & normal hair to super dry, frizzy, everything despite a military assault of TLC of 0.o

Firstly, I've gained many allergies, so I tend to stick to super natural products, very little product and find anything I do use is likely to irritate or wash off throughout the day. Make up just sits on my face - it's horrible!

The next problem I have is my hair! It's driving me crazy. It won't hold a curl, go straight and has gained this crazy 80's frizzy volume and irregular wave - I'm starting to feel like I don't know my body anymore. It's really knocking my confidence.

I've tried going back to basics, going natural (which I hated) and even rocked the white girl weave (tempting!) but I was hoping someone overcame a similar experience or lives in a hot, humid climate and can relate!

Dec 20, 2012

Shelley W.

I moved from California to Florida and I feel your pain. I went from having no allergy issues to having raging allergies and to me its shocking considering I came from a smog infested city. Go figure. My hair went crazy bonkers and my skin....complete nightmare. I have family in Louisiana who aren't natives of the state either and I know the first thing they did was get a water softner and learned to switch up hair products in the hot humid summer months. I've had to do the same living here in Florida. If you can't afford a water softner I highly suggest installing a shower head that will retain those nasty minerals in the water. I think you can also get a special faucet for your sink as well. The water down here in the south isnt exactly the greatest and if you live on a property that maintains well water then you really need a filter systen of some kind. I know once we put in a water filtration system my skin maintained some normalacy and my hair behaves so much better. 

Dec 20, 2012

Lolita B.

something about changing states. I'm originally from Connecticut and now live in Missouri. Now I can't wear Almay makeup or any lipstocks that contain menthol. Quite frustrating :/

Dec 20, 2012

Clurra D.

Thanks Shelley! I didn't even think about water! I'm moving to Florida soon and worry its going to be even worst. I'm glad it helped you, I'll try it out - could be the missing link as it affected everything!

Dec 21, 2012

Clurra D.

I share your frustration Lolita! Menthol is a really popular ingredient too, it's very difficult to find stuff without chemicals much less something more natural :(