Makeup Help!!


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Dec 20, 2012

Jackie M.

When it comes to makeup it seems like I make one of my eyes look perfect then other is sloppier.. And I have a big tough time with liquid eyeliner... what are some ways I can get better with makeup?

Dec 20, 2012

Sarah B.

Omg me too lol. I just don't really have the patience to try to improve lol. Try looking up makeup tutorials on YouTube and learning how to control it more from watching them

Dec 20, 2012

Jackie M.

Thank you (:

Dec 20, 2012

Tiffany D.

I wish I could help but I have the same problems I just have to practice even though I don't have much patience either!

Dec 20, 2012

Nicole S.

my only advice is to start small and then add till both eyes are equal and look in the miror from a couple feet away because up close it may seem really off but far away normal!