Is it really possible...


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Aug 5, 2014

Jaye R.

To thicken brows? Between aging and over plucking I'm stuck penciling them in before I leave the house everyday and I'm sick of it! I've heard a few different solutions to this but do any of them really work? Anyone have experience here?

Aug 6, 2014

Jackie J.

Yes it is.. here is a pic of my eyebrows a while back I didn't have any lol..I mixed coconut oil castor oil and Vaseline together (I never really measured how much) and would apply it to my eyebrows with a q-tip every night and sometimes every morning.. now its not a miracle thing it does take time.. and the second picture are my eyebrows now the only thing I do is add a little bit of eye shadow to define them more but those are my actual eyebrows.

Aug 6, 2014

M G.

Ooo Jackie you have nice brows!

Aug 6, 2014

Jackie J.

Thank you.! :) M G.

Aug 6, 2014

Diana T.

They have eye brow hair growth kits by Anastasia Beverly Hills and I'm sure other brands too.