Sea Salt Spray - Yay Or Nay?


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Aug 6, 2014

kaye e.

Have you guys ever used sea salt spray? Did it work and look nice? please help thnks.

Aug 6, 2014

Regan N.

I like it. I scrunch it in damp hair and it brings out more of my natural wave.

Aug 6, 2014

Olivia A.

I've heard great reviews about it but have never used it myself.

Aug 6, 2014

Emma K.

Nay it leaves my hair dirty.

Aug 6, 2014

Emily I.

I like it but it works the best if you have already wavy/curly hair.

Aug 6, 2014

Riley M.

I already have wavy hair so it doesn't do much except make my hair smell nice lol.

Aug 6, 2014

Emily K.

Eh. I have straight hair that doesn't stay straight but isn't quite wavy. Thought this would help enhance the natural wave. Does absolutely nothing for me there. But, if I sleep with my hair in a bun, I'll spritz this through before I put it up and it helps the waves look more beachy the next day. Overall, I don't think it's really worth the money though.

Aug 6, 2014

Sami E.

I liked it , but it will dry your hair. Think about it..salt on your hair isn't good xD that's what my hair stylist told me! She said just stick to braides over night and it's a more natural way to have beach waves! (: