My skin is like brail!


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Aug 6, 2014

Jenna M.

I have combination/dry skin (I think) I don't really get big red pimples or breakouts but my skin is just overall bumpy! ESP on my cheeks and forehead, what is this?! I've tried everything!

Aug 6, 2014

Jenna M.

Been to a derm... Tried differin, tretinoin, clindamycine

Aug 6, 2014

Diana T.

Try some moisturizing oils my personal favorite is jojoba oil.

Aug 6, 2014

Diana T.

Yeah it might help if the derm diagnosed it.

Aug 6, 2014

Emily W.

It could be closed comedones, congested pores, or milia. How long were you on the medications? They take six weeks or more of religious use to start working.

I have excessively dry skin and I get the same thing.

Aug 6, 2014

Jenna M.

Longer than 6 weeks... I believe derm said comedones but still I feel bumpy skin- I would just like if smooth and soft