First day of 8th grade.


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Aug 3, 2014

Devinne C.

I need any ideas for makeup and hair for the first day of school.

Aug 3, 2014

Javian B.

When I'm at school I usually do a light, very natural look so I suggest you do the same and throughout the school year it gets kinda tough to wake up every morning and do like "good" makeup. As for hair I'd just probably do a cool braid or just leave it out straight or natural.

Aug 3, 2014

Javian B.

It's really up to you what your comfortable with so don't to anything too special that you wouldn't want to do every other school day. And also don't worry too much about it, you'll figure it out as you go.

Aug 3, 2014

Bry R.

Hmm what did I do in 8th grade. I know in 7th I wore heavy eyeliner. I think 8th-10th I wore white eyeshadow and liner. It really is all about what you're comfortable with :)

Aug 4, 2014

Blair W.

Do a light brown smokey eye foundation and concealer underneath the eye.